Monday, April 29, 2013

Romans 8:1-4 "Are You Sure You're Sure?"

God has grown me in the faith, what grace. Trust and Obey. There is no condemnation for my past, present, future because I'm in Jesus! **Warning second sermon ever.**

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bless the Lord, oh my soul because of Christ in me

So much of my relationship with God is growing.
1. There is a robust stirring of the Spirit on my prayers.
2. A persistent awareness of Jesus in places that seem mundane.
3. My compassion for the lost and broken people is growing.
4. My enemies are subjects of prayers, blessing and faith in God's power upon them.
5. I give willfully and hunger to be more generous.
6. The Holy Spirit caused me to deal with all hurts of my past and release them to Jesus.
7. Being in the Scriptures is usually the best time of my day, (many small bits all day long -not just one chunk).  
8. Asking the Father for direction and provision trusting His ability and pleasure to do so. Whereas before I feared my future and just hoped God would do something.
 9. The Spirit's teachings mixing with my understanding causing godly living and other-centered humility.
10. Service and fellowship with believers to glean peace.
11. Sincere excitement when I see Jesus in others, I love seeing others owning their cost of discipleship, and seeing how the Holy Spirit grows them.
12. Wanting God more because of who He is and nothing else.