Friday, May 26, 2017

More Than We Can Handle

Dear Prayer Warriors

Anna's hearing really is an intact gift from God. The test today shows what marvelous hearing she has, she was responsive to the whole spectrum of sounds. I could not imagine how much harder things would be if her hearing was damaged. I thank God for upholding Anna's hearing ensuring that she can listen and communicate well through that sense. It makes me want to be a chatty-Cathy around her. 

We can pray more specifically for Anna's full healing as we take in the weight of her new diagnosis. She has a unique brain.  This is a hefty burden that is why I'm asking brothers and sisters in Christ to come to our aid and pray, believing God for exceedingly more than what we ask for. 

Our neurologist diagnosed Anna with polymicrogyria. Which is a condition almost always unrelated to brain injury due to lack of oxygen. There are several categories of this diagnosis. Based on the radiologists notes and the brain regions impacted, Anna is showing  Bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria. This has yet to be confirmed by our neurologist, we just don't know right now. Clearly this is more than what we can handle on our own, what does all this mean? That is why we ask God to handle this for us, with us, that we might see His Mighty Hand Shepherding us. Show us your glory Lord. 

Since we are up late swimming in the information about it. Please pray that we would let the Lord minister to us as we surrender to our mistake-free God and take Anna as is! We have been praying and singing most the afternoon and evening. We will follow up once we get the genetic testing back and have a better grasp on this. God is so good. God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me.  alleluia. 

Have Thine own way Lord. 

Nic, Lindsey, Anna, Simon 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Upcoming Days

Dear Prayer Friends,

For my ten year faith birthday I embarked to give back to God a written testimony. Its taken 6 months or so and I still am not done. Remembering is so good! Here's a sample:

My heart hosts the living God, Jesus Christ. I can think of no greater grace than my condemnation paid for in Christ and a new life beginning orchestrated by His Spirit. Following Jesus, counting up the cost and abiding in Him has rendered me unrecognizable and trustworthy of a bride and two babes. What a new life marked with abundant grace. I have learned that I have been bought and so this new life I live is not my own it belongs to my Owner. I don’t call the shots, I cannot demand things go my way or yell when I am not at the center. Walking with my eye on Jesus means that come what may I know my redeemer lives and is worthy of my life and worship.

All that Gospel goodness makes me count on Christ more than doctors. We have experts and tests but if I had to choose I would rather have a Shepherd who is Sovereign over all things guiding me through all of our storms than a meteorologist giving me the details of what to brace for. 

As for Anna, she is doing better, her wonderful coos and gasping squeals are back. Tomorrow morning at 10 AM Anna is going under general anesthesia for close to the maximum time for a kid her age (3 hours). She will have two procedures one is a deep MRI and the second is a hearing test. The MRI is the one ordered 6 weeks ago by neurology when they observed an abnormality on a previous brain image. Because Anna is nonverbal the only way to get an accurate hearing test is to monitor brain reactions to sounds. We know she hears well, but could it be better? Same with the brain issue, could something be found that is treatable and make her cognition soar? 

Please Pray: 
-Lets ask the Lord to surprise us with the findings of the MRI. Also pray for Anna to do well in recovering from the anesthesia with no side effects.  

-For Lindsey’s solitude retreat this weekend. That Satan would not distract her from the purpose of meeting with God. For rest and for worship songs to fill her throughout the weekend. For a safe travel to the mountains and back. And for Nic to be meeting Simon and Anna’s every need. 

 - Pray for Anna to sleep through the night unaided. With good throat clearing and no reflux. Anna is still struggling a little at night, she was off supplemental oxygen for about a week but now back on. We are all getting better sleep.

"Living for Jesus who died in my place,
Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.

Living for Jesus wherever I am,
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross."
Grace and Peace,  
Nic, Lindsey, Simon, And Anna

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Christ's Welfare Amid Spiritual Warfare

Dear Prayer Warriors,

God brought us home from the hospital after four days. I meant to write but my ability to concentrate diminishes the more sleep deprived I am. Thanks for praying faithfully even when I am not faithful at updating you all. We were so tired. Anna came home with an oxygen tank for the nights. I’ll always have a little pep in my step during discharge days; I get excited about the betterment, God’s hand of healing being so evident and it marks the end of family unit separation. I love resettling at headquarters (home) it makes me happy because I know Anna is embracing her familiar, family things, routines, and uninterrupted sleep.

We have continued hardships and demands with Anna. This used to be a girl who slept through the night with no cords attached six months ago. Let’s believe that the Lord can restore such peaceful rest because right now she’s got the cannula on, the pulse ox, and a continuous night feed into the intestine. She’ll wake after about 2-3 hours crying needing suctioning or supplemental food. We have been short on sleep but we always make it a point to thank God for the sleep we did get rather than focus on the sleep we didn’t get.

In a way I feel this current trial more significantly than more medically dangerous ones because there is a spiritual attack intensifying things. Many spiritual warfare elements are compounded in this current storm. 

1. Temptations of various kinds are more frequent. Praise God that temptation is the opportunity to run to the Mighty Warrior who saves rather than the sin. I feel my mind is weak and rambling allowing me to laugh at foolish things or impulse buy the entire Little Debbie catalog. Even stuff that has been Christ’s victory in my life for ages tries to rear its ugly head. I go to Jesus and draw upon His past victories in me. He waits with me in the temptation and soon enough it goes away. 

2. I find myself in the heat of the moment believing lies that I know the Bible counters but the lie suits my mood better. There is only defeated when thinking I lean on my own understanding. I am eager to take my thoughts captive and assess its source then reject or accept it. 

3. In times of exhaustion in caregiving I find myself frustrated at Anna, feeling defeated as my suctioning/repositioning/drug administration only irritates her into a Cerebral Palsy extension and tears. In the past I would be overwhelmed like that and just stop and pray. But recently I get impatient, continue the task even though I should relent. The situation is basically me going on my own strength instead of crying out to God for His nearness. Anna will always have it harder than me that why I must gladly serve her. God has given me a memory verse to recite to offset that moment of frustration. So when Anna extends and is inconsolable, I say to the Lord: “You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.” Isaiah 26:3

Please Pray:
-For Anna’s oxygen level in her blood to stay high 95% or better without supplemental oxygen.
-For her airway to be clear not needing suctioning, steroids, or the “shaky vest”
-For providers to all the benefits Anna qualifies for but we don’t receive (night nurses (we still have 5 nights without a nurse), for a respite care provider, a house cleaning, for the ramp for the van)
-For patience as we wait for God’s leading regarding Anna’s reflux. We need her to tolerate a higher intestine feeding before we can consider the Nissen surgery.
-For God’s holy, presence, Jesus’ imputed righteousness and the Spirit’s illumination of Scripture to keep me strong in the Lord for the fight at hand.
-For the family devotion time to be moved successfully after dinner time because our bedtime to-do list has become too long.
-For strength and gratitude as we wait. We wait for Jesus, for Anna’s healing, for every spiritual blessing, for our trails to conclude. 

Happy Mother's day,

Nic, Lindsey, Anna, Simon

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Let It Shine Before All Men

Dear prayer companions.

Lindsey and I are juggling many schedules to care for both Simon and Anna. the communication piece is tricky, we have to remember that we are on the same team. She doesn't need to be a ball hog and I don't need to be a show off.

my work is helpful allowing me to keep my ringer "on" while on the sales floor, they allow me to leave early, and there is much empathy in the leadership. These are the days when my co-workers tend to ask me how i could be at work with my daughter in the hospital. In the words of the Newsboys "shine make'em wonder what you got." Its time to live out the gospel because I know who my burden lifter is and who happens to be in control of all things.

It is the church folk who have a ministry of availability towards us that shows me our unity in Christ. Simon has not only been taken care of which allows me to go to work, but they take him to chase after geese and let a cow to lick his hand. I get all these picture texts of Simon's world record-sized smiles. It's more than mercy on my family, it's glory unto God. There many more who have reached out to us to say " I can help." How can we get bummed out about Anna when so much love is knocking at our door?

 I only hope you prayer warriors know how valuable you are to us.The spirit world is just a present as the physical one. The impact of your prayers are not always apparent in the physical world; but i have faith that your prayers are vital to the dispatching of angels, the giving of wisdom from God, they help us see open doors, your prayers plead the mercy and blessings for Anna's benefit. You bring Anna to God asking for her healing constantly. Alleluia. As a father who feels limited in ministering to my non-verbal hospitalized child, your praying encourages my fathering. Your prayers are a labor of love may God reward you in His time with answered prayer and greater faith. May we all become people of prayer!

Anna had a rough night, her oxygen levels dropped to 83 while sleeping last night. there is still so much mucus present and her cough is still fatigued sounding (not as effective). She did sleep well though. The doctors put her up to 2 liters of O2. During the day she made up ground to the point that she was only on 1/4 liter of O2. So tonight is the test to see if Anna can punch her ticket home. They will put her on "room air" and see if she drops that low again. She had a good day and appears to be doing better with the antibiotics. No pneumonia, but congested. we hope to bring her home tomorrow even though she has a ways to go. They are thinking we will take a tank of O2 with us. Come Quickly Jehovah-Rafa!

Please Pray:
-for Anna to have a great night with no de-saturation of oxygen as she sleeps.
-for the sickness to be cast out, and strength renewed.
-for Simon to be done with the little cough that he has so Anna doesn't have to be quarantined once home.
-for Lindsey and me to remain healthy, patient and ready to do whatever it takes to escort wellness back into our kids.
-for wisdom regarding nutrition, when to suction, and when to consult doctors.
-for clever distraction techniques so Anna doesn't have to focus on how she feels always.
-for continued family devotions, personal study time in the Word, and eye-to-eye time with Lindey  

thanks again,

Les Currats

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

God is With Us

Prayer Warriors,

The Lord is filling our hearts with praise because our confidence is set on Christ even though our circumstance leaves us wanting.  We depend on Him, so we don't busy ourselves with anxious scenarios or schemes to bust Anna out of the hospital.

We are on our second day of inpatient treatment at the hospital for Anna's latest illness. She remains on oxygen and is sleeping lots. There has been a surprising development because Anna is not responding to the steroids. They cannot seem to put their finger on why Anna isn't improving while in the hospital.The docs don't think she has an infection but they cannot think of what else to try so we will try antibiotics this afternoon. The doctors suggest that maybe there are lacerations in her throat from too much coughing. Thankfully we know that the oxygen itself has been a benefit. I rest knowing that God knows exactly what's wrong with Anna.

So while we wait we read, sing, and pray. I read Joshua 1 about courage and strength through trust and obedience to God's Word. Lindsey sang "we're on our way to grandpa's farm." about ten times to Anna. But join us in prayer

-That God would teach us and equip us through this.
-For the ailment of Anna to be found so we can have a plan for betterment
-For strength for Anna and comfort
-That Lindsey and Anna can get good sleep at the hospital
-For wisdom regarding my work schedule and care for simon.
I leave you with a chunk that was so sweet to me this morning:

"17 But let your hand be on the man of your right hand, the son of man whom you have made strong for yourself!
18 Then we shall not turn back from you; give us life, and we will call upon your name!
19 Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!  - Psalm 80:17-19"
Its all about Jesus,
Nic, Lindsey, Anna and Simon

Monday, May 1, 2017

Trusting Victorious Jesus Part 3

 Dear Forbearing Praying Warriors,

Our longtime friend recognized her words from my "Trusting Victorious Jesus Part 2" and shared this response: 
"My Dear Lindsey and Nic,
After reading every word of I Believe in Miracles; Here's can be sure that I am with you in prayer for the long haul and that indeed, my ability to believe in miracles has been strengthened and buoyed by this incredible testimonial.  I have actually read articles where Doctors have been quoted as saying that there was no medical explanation for what had taken place with a patient...that it had to have been divine intervention.  I think that we are all just wired differently when it comes to our approach to many issues.  I do tend to err on the side of caution...remain cautiously optimistic and other phrases that describe a person who is certainly open to anything happening, but just not willing to "bet the farm" on it!  Rest assured that your family will always have my undying love and support and as I have told you many times...I am with you in all circumstances.  I am so happy that you have so many people in your life who love you as I do and want nothing short of a miracle for Anna.  I understand that you trust that it will be on God's time...that he will deliver when he deems it to be the right time.  And so, I shall be waiting patiently, but hoping it will be sooner so that Anna's little life will be easier for her."

As Anna's parents God lavishes extra comfort on us as we fixate on Him as Jehovah-Rafa. His name is healer. Over the weekend my sister-in-law who has a gift of empathy sensed our heaviness in dealing with Anna's current sickness and asked all the friends she knew to share stories of God's healing. They poured in and I was blessed, mustering my praise afresh for the Lord. God does incredible things to ordinary sinners and saints. I'm learning that recalling what God has done isn't just good storytelling, it's praise -an act of worship. It wasn't long until my mind flooded with memories of miracles we have witnessed with Anna. I'll share just one of them:

"In the NICU Anna had seizures, we weened off the seizure medicine. for the following 9 months no seizure activity was found on EEG. Around her 1st birthday we found out she had Hypsarrhythmia (chaotic brain waves) a condition that always comes with infantile spasms (seizures). But I had believed God that seizures were taken from Anna so i was confused, my disappointment was huge in the moment. About a week later we do a 24 hour EEG, the Hypsarrhythmia was present but no seizures. The neurologist and his team were so baffled they asked us to stay another 24 hours to be sure... 48 hours later still so seizures. the Doc said "there's no literature on having Hypsarrhythmia without infantile spasms." Thanks to God there is now!" 

For those who walked with us through this, do you remember how tenderhearted this miracle was? By God's grace Anna still doesn't seize.   

Personally I love the account I believe in Miracles, Here's why because Felicia's injury was just like Anna's. God has made me joyful because I know of little Felicia. In Jesus' perfect timing Anna will be pain free and healed.

Please Pray:
-I write this as Anna is coughing incessantly, she sleeps in 30 minute increments then has mucus coughing fits, reflux will complicate things, her cerebral palsy too, and her Oxygen levels are still low. May this illness pass on, as we are entering the 9th day.

There is victory in the Name of Jesus,
The Currats