Monday, May 1, 2017

Trusting Victorious Jesus Part 3

 Dear Forbearing Praying Warriors,

Our longtime friend recognized her words from my "Trusting Victorious Jesus Part 2" and shared this response: 
"My Dear Lindsey and Nic,
After reading every word of I Believe in Miracles; Here's can be sure that I am with you in prayer for the long haul and that indeed, my ability to believe in miracles has been strengthened and buoyed by this incredible testimonial.  I have actually read articles where Doctors have been quoted as saying that there was no medical explanation for what had taken place with a patient...that it had to have been divine intervention.  I think that we are all just wired differently when it comes to our approach to many issues.  I do tend to err on the side of caution...remain cautiously optimistic and other phrases that describe a person who is certainly open to anything happening, but just not willing to "bet the farm" on it!  Rest assured that your family will always have my undying love and support and as I have told you many times...I am with you in all circumstances.  I am so happy that you have so many people in your life who love you as I do and want nothing short of a miracle for Anna.  I understand that you trust that it will be on God's time...that he will deliver when he deems it to be the right time.  And so, I shall be waiting patiently, but hoping it will be sooner so that Anna's little life will be easier for her."

As Anna's parents God lavishes extra comfort on us as we fixate on Him as Jehovah-Rafa. His name is healer. Over the weekend my sister-in-law who has a gift of empathy sensed our heaviness in dealing with Anna's current sickness and asked all the friends she knew to share stories of God's healing. They poured in and I was blessed, mustering my praise afresh for the Lord. God does incredible things to ordinary sinners and saints. I'm learning that recalling what God has done isn't just good storytelling, it's praise -an act of worship. It wasn't long until my mind flooded with memories of miracles we have witnessed with Anna. I'll share just one of them:

"In the NICU Anna had seizures, we weened off the seizure medicine. for the following 9 months no seizure activity was found on EEG. Around her 1st birthday we found out she had Hypsarrhythmia (chaotic brain waves) a condition that always comes with infantile spasms (seizures). But I had believed God that seizures were taken from Anna so i was confused, my disappointment was huge in the moment. About a week later we do a 24 hour EEG, the Hypsarrhythmia was present but no seizures. The neurologist and his team were so baffled they asked us to stay another 24 hours to be sure... 48 hours later still so seizures. the Doc said "there's no literature on having Hypsarrhythmia without infantile spasms." Thanks to God there is now!" 

For those who walked with us through this, do you remember how tenderhearted this miracle was? By God's grace Anna still doesn't seize.   

Personally I love the account I believe in Miracles, Here's why because Felicia's injury was just like Anna's. God has made me joyful because I know of little Felicia. In Jesus' perfect timing Anna will be pain free and healed.

Please Pray:
-I write this as Anna is coughing incessantly, she sleeps in 30 minute increments then has mucus coughing fits, reflux will complicate things, her cerebral palsy too, and her Oxygen levels are still low. May this illness pass on, as we are entering the 9th day.

There is victory in the Name of Jesus,
The Currats

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From Caroline:

The mystery of God is vast indeed. While I'm here on earth I'll never be able to understand the suffering in this world, or fully grasp the miracles He does.

Praying for the Currats