Tuesday, March 7, 2023

continued deliverance

Hello Prayer Warriors,

Raising Anna brought us into communities where we can ask other parents of special needs kids for advice on therapies, surgeries, hospitals, insurance, etc... I have spent time with families as they experience their child endure a life of suffering and then die before turning 10. God taught me that there is always someone with a sicker kid, more medically complex, more disadvantaged than Anna.

Losing Simon is no different, what a gift he was/is. In losing him, Christ is fighting my biggest battles to date. Praise God for the Spiritual authority granted to believers by the blood of Jesus to identify attacks, command rejection, and put in place a memory verse and pray for a righteous aim instead. Instead of being swallowed up in sorrow. Jesus helps me be other-centered amid the battle. "Thank you Lord for mercy and wisdom." The Christian under fire, no matter the hardship, even in martyrdom has favor. The favor of being heard by God.   

"On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many."

2 Corinthians 1:10b-11 

The context of this verse is about Paul giving a missionary update. Nonetheless, this verse made me think how effective praying has been for us in our loss.  God’s immense favor shines by His answered prayers. May they be a mutual affirmation to you.

God’s Word comforts us

First of all, God’s Word has been the greatest of comforts, from the verses on the wall of our bedroom to memory verses reminding me of God’s comfort and care for the mourner. The verses "mourn with those who mourn" and "blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted" have become like a precious gem the Lord forged in this fight for faith. Greater still are the Biblical promises of life after death, a hope that doesn't end, and a reunion with God face to face. Alleluia. By God's grace, I'm better equipped in the Scriptures should the Lord lead me to comfort others who mourn. I hope I share the same compassion, generosity, and sensitivity to the bereaved that Ruth showed Naomi.   

God’s Protection in our Valley

One of the earliest prayer requests in this journey was to not be hurt by insensitive comments from people aiming to love but misfiring. I was surprised by how many people sought to equate our loss to their experiences with death, this tempted me to be quarrelsome but God helped me see they just wanted to help us. Even amid the media’s interests, the “peanut gallery” was a mere flesh wound in keeping Jesus first. I remember being asked “Did Simon get the COVID vaccine?” God answered our prayers with grace and protection by making those clumsy comments minimal and forgetful, not penetrating to the heart. Instead, the Lord gave us people who had remarks of faith. A mom who has closely walked alongside Lindsey during our loss, who never met Simon, listened well to the many offerings of ours about Simon’s character and concluded sweetly one day: “I can’t wait to meet him!!” Another standout comment came at the end of a church service when the stranger next to me asked how he could pray for me (I had been weeping during the service), after I shared my grief, he looked me in the eye with sincerity and said “thank you for telling me, thank you for telling me.”


God Shepherding Our Children  

Another answer to prayer came in the form of shepherding our children’s hearts as they lost their brother, leader, and friend. I will never forget needing to set the stage in Simon’s hospital room bringing his clothes, his stuffed animals, pillows and blankets so the innocence of Renee, Victor, and Anna would not be scared off as they came to say goodbye to Simon on that death bed. They each lay next to motionless Simon with his breathing tube in place, playfully. They were not in a hurry for the moment to end. Then as the weeks and months progressed, so did our prayers! What does it look like to grant space for Renee to grieve, to find the words for her feelings as she grasps her first comprehension of death. God gave several answers to that one. One came in the form of godly children’s books as Lindsey dutifully researched.

Christ our Marital Foundation

Our Prayer Warriors especially prayed for marital unity. We needed space for Lindsey and me to grieve and also to “date night” grieve together. God saw it fit to provide Renee's bible study leader who, without being asked, chose to drive 30 minutes south to be with Victor and Renee while Anna has therapy every Monday since the start of the school year. This has given Lindsey 3 hours to be freed up every Monday, this gift of grace from God is still ongoing. Next, we have formed marital unity through increased times of praying together. We have been able to talk, share our hearts and pray after the kids go to bed. I notice more encouragement, more prizing one another for the treasure God made us to be, each for the other. Lindsey remains funnier than I, however I am goofier than she. 

Jesus my Reward

Through the years of asking for prayer for my family, one of my most recurring request has been: “that the Holy Spirit would put a song on my heart to have through the day.” I agree with the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir when they sing “I never lost my praise.” By God's grace that is my testimony. The singing is gaining momentum, drenching me in joy. Just this last Friday we celebrated Anna’s 9th birthday and planned to sing 3 songs to God in thanksgiving. It turned into a hymn-sing that lasted the majority of the night. Glory to God, the Shepherd of my soul & the Victor of my battles! 

Praise God for:

-Anna’s 9th year of life and answers to prayer. Praise God for her joy and peaceful disposition.

-Answers to prayer that serve as an encouragement to you and me. They serve as proof of His unfailing love administered so personally and perfectly. Daddy loves me!

-For the church’s support, one body with many parts, helpful and hopeful.


Please pray for:

-God to deliver us, as we hope in Jesus and continue to experience intimacy with Him through the Word. 

-continued protection from harsh comments. We are still weeping, still sorrowful, still hopeful, still believing. 

-great success in Anna’s ESES treatment coming up in early April. It's a 4-day planned hospitalization, for her cognition to improve and seizure activity to be absent.

-marital enrichment, bonding as we seek God and desire His best for us. Also for quiet time with Jesus for each of us!  

- the Lord to provide another night nurse as ours got promoted

Thank you for praying!!!



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