Dear prayer warriors,
ran into an overwhelming amount of things to do and a double dose of
fatigue once we got home. But we are home!! Simon and I pulled out the
Slip and Slide what fun we had as Anna and Renee watched on. I stepped
on a wasp and got stung on the foot, it was worth it! Thank you for
sharing our burdens and helping us lay them down before the Lord.
in the hospital there were so many distractions removed, my focus was
so specific: seek God and pray for Anna. Anna's long napping allowed for
some prayer updates. I know I pushed the limits of our email
relationship:) thank you for reading and praying. The power of prayer is
awesome. Yesterday, I received a reply that struck me from one of our
prayer warriors. It read:
for the negative of poor health for Anna, the time you spent with her
consoling, encouraging, and loving her must be treasures in your
heart." So true, only God can do that, He turns bad into good. Perhaps
this is what that famous pastor means when he said: "don't waste your
learned that we can walk away from a hospital stay feeling like church
just got out. I spoke with Lindsey about it a little, we noted that
God's grace visited us, drawing us to Him. Our hearts and mind toward
our Savior. This makes me think that God answered this prayer request I
asked just before the trial started:
increased time with Jesus. Lindsey and I both feel our prayer life is
estranged from more fervent times of devotion. Joining the church has
helped. Thankfully we started up BSF and CBS this week. “Just a closer
walk with Thee, grant it Jesus it’s my plea”
Please Pray For:
-Anna to strengthen and rid herself of the infection completely, that no fevers or illness would complicate her recovery
-Lindsey and I to communicate well, the fatigue has challenged my character today, we do have a date on the calendar though!!
-Renee to sleep better at night, she is getting more teeth in. up like 5 times at night
return to work to be met with God's grace, my company rolled out a new
paid leave when immediate family is sick perhaps my absence will qualify
for this new benefit. but also that a supernatural amount of freight
got worked in my absence!
Humbly thankful for Jesus and His grace through this storm.
The Currats