Thursday, December 29, 2022

Advent down here and Christmas up there


Dear Friends,


Merry Christmas. Hope born out of God's love; Jesus Christ is the hope that outlasts all other hope. The Eternal, Infinite took on the temporal, the finite to become our Light, our Gate, our Bread, our Way, our Sacrifice. Nothing can eclipse this hope, not death. A footnote to this hope that is particularly sweet to me is that I'm gonna do heaven with Simon someday. 


An Advantageous Advent 

Advent has been my Christmas present; it's been a holy advent. I was surprised by the goodness we have experienced waiting to celebrate our Savior's birth. Christ will not be eclipsed in our hearts, Amen. Leading up to Christmas, we had several nights of singing hymns and Christmas songs as a family. I distinctly remember a night when Renee was uniquely attentive, as we talked about Jesus being the Light born into the darkness of this world. Given her mindfulness I asked, "Renee what do you know about the Lord?" and she replied quickly "He is my Protector." After a couple of follow up questions, I sat there so impressed with her. 


A couple events highlighted our Advent too. 20 kids and parents who loved Simon braved the cold to sing, pray, and lay a fresh wreath on Simon's tomb. Many of his classmates and friends made ornaments to decorate the wreath. It was an important reminder to me of how many children miss Simon too. Another night, The Holy Spirit ministered deeply to Lindsey during a “longest night service.” Put on by another church. It was a special time for sorrow and heartache to be presented before the Lord in holy dependance on Him leading into hope-filled worship. We did not decorate much, but there was much refining. Lindsey and I spent next to no time shopping, we struggled to want to give gifts, desiring no gifts either, we wanted to focus on God, our loss, and the people God has given us as gifts. It's no wonder that in times of loss only eternal things like God’s Word and relationships offer a comfort that is a balm. We have also seen how through death, it's not uncommon for close friends to become less close and for acquaintances to become close friends. I confessed to Lindsey that I didn’t want our close relationship to suffer from distance because of Simon's absence. 


 We wanted to remain teachable, not distracted. Lindsey and I affirmed each other as we expressed a desire to run the race of faith with our eyes on Jesus, running to the end, especially finishing strong.   For Lindsey and I, advent allowed us to compromise and talk about Christmas. Christmas was a blessing. A dear church family with kids shared their home and time with us on Christmas eve after church. We spent Christmas morning making a snowman at the cemetery and walking, it was a busy place. 


First Christmas in Heaven

As Christmas gifts to us, our extended families spent their time and money making a winter edition homeless bag and went among the poor in the Seattle area to talk to them about Jesus’ love, care and plan for the poor. Another family bought gifts for a family who couldn’t afford them rather than giving to us. What heart-satisfying gifts we received!  Christmas night, my family came down to have soup at our place.


 I asked the Lord to help me share something. Through many tears and emotions, I referenced several Bible passages about how those who are born again can possibly receive crowns from God. This has nothing to do with the issue of Salvation. I observed that God’s Spirit indwelling in Simon grew a compassion for the poor. I shared that it is possible for God to award a crown to Simon for his compassion. (I certainly don't know for sure.) or Maybe Through God’s providence of being Anna’s brother and helper I wonder if another crown landed on him? By the Holy Spirit, in faith, Simon lived up to his namesake Simon the Cyrene! Oh, and what about his Spirit-filled artwork? I’m having a proud daddy moment, carried away by the good gifts of God that don’t spoil. Praise the Lord for His Holy Spirit making a home in the faithful for His kingdom come.  


Then I read revelation 4, the passage of God being worshipped in heaven and how the 24 elders cast their crowns at Christ’s feet. Whatever acts the elders had done to merit a godly crown was nothing compared to the act of Jesus leaving heaven to save us, and so they threw their award back to the One who is worthy. I marveled at the idea that for the first Christmas in heaven, Simon is doing likewise: he is casting off his crown and watching it land at Christ’s feet. So, to symbolize all this, I bought a silver sparkly crown ornament and added it to our nativity scene at the feet of Jesus. 


I remember years of coming home from work greeted by an excited, squinty-smiled boy who waited all day to show me his latest creation while still in his pajamas. "Hey look what I did today." Or "Come and see what I’m working on downstairs, it's so cool." By God's grace, when I'm reunited with Simon, I know he will say to me one more time: "come and see what I have been working on for our Father's glory. It’s so cool." This New Year as Simon works and worships before the Lord, may I do the same unto the Lord down here. Alleluia. 


Praise the Lord for:

-A faith filled Christmas, with blessed anticipation. 

-the continued host of support from family and church family. That wreath laying was so touching that we hope to repeat it again next year. 

-Renee’s continued growth in spiritual matters and in emotions

-Songs that uplift our hearts and bring our attention to the Lord. 

-My work continues to be a support through our practical needs and time off. 


Please Pray for: 

-Health and protection from acute illnesses, we are currently going through another round third since Thanksgiving. Thankfully not requiring hospitalizations. 

-Our refining through loss, that hope and heaven grows richer in our hearts and mind. Also, that sharing the Gospel would come into greater focus. 

-continued time one on one for Lindsey and I to open our thoughts and hearts, as we seek the unity of the Spirit in the bond of our marriage. 

-a gracious providence as we lay before the Lord our plans for Lindsey’s milestone birthday and Simon’s birthday two days later coming in the first week of February. 


Thank you for your ministry of praying for us and believing God for the goodness that is in store for us even in the land of the living. 


Nic for the Currats

Monday, December 12, 2022

Surrendering Daily to the One in Control

 Dear Prayer Warriors,

As the spiritual leader of my family, I find myself jumpy, hesitant. Overly anticipating the next crisis. Anna gets a cough; in my flesh I think she is going to die from it. Victor starts climbing the stairs; I’m tempted to think of the worst possible tumble. Renee is fired up and acting out; I give ground into thinking what that behavior will look like when she is 15. Lindsey wants to believe God for something that I have a hard time grasping; I take a defensive stance instead of praying.


I have keenly assessed Satan’s tactics and stand ready to defend, which is good. But I think what is better is trusting that God is in control, that there is good around the corner, not heartbreak. God bids me rest, regroup, and celebrate the Messiah’s birth!! It’s wise to know the enemy’s tactics but my eye need not be on him, I need to keep my eyes on the King of Kings, the loving Lord.


Leading out of crisis, growing into a new normal, and going through the holiday season has me on high alert. Forget the cookies, I'm looking for traps. Pray that I would take God at His Word about my situation being well under His control. Pray for a verse for me to memorize to counter the temptation I’m describing. I remember Elijah after his great battle with the prophets of Bale, after praying for the rain to return, he buckles and caves into a singular threat running far away. God even asks him “what are you doing here?” In my world, losing Simon was that great battle where the Lord proved Himself faithful and able. And now these little things threaten to make me buckle and cave. May the Lord revive me as he did with Elijah. By God’s grace, He has given me enough sensitivity in my spirit to these heart matters. I need to fix my eyes on Jesus, and lay hold of the victory and joy before me. Those little battles, or footholds Satan places do not stand a chance when I place my faith in the omnipotent ruler, supreme in the spirit and physical worlds, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Let me share this quick story of God at work bearing in mind how preoccupied we have been in shepherding Renee through her grief: One of the few gifts of having Renee in our room with us at night is hearing her talk in her sleep. On one occasion I heard her say “I love you.” Over and over again. Two days later I overheard her say “victory in Jesus.” Twice. Kids! Here I am, Mr. Helicopter parent assuming she is dreaming up nightmares and the most pleasant peaceful utterances are coming from her. (We know the Hymn Victory in Jesus by heart ever since Victor’s birth, Simon knew it well too:) Isn’t that something praiseworthy to ponder?


 Praise the Lord for:

-          Renee’s words in her sleep. “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Psalm 8:2

-          Emmanuel, God with us. The great fighter of my battles.

-          Extra time off of work to focus on my family.

-          Advent activities such as thinking on a name of Jesus each day and opening a mini door with chocolate behind it, have been more meaningful this year than ever before.

-          Continued grace from friends and family that check in on us and bless us


Please Pray for:

-          Anna’s inpatient stay for the epilepsy treatment got rescheduled to April 3rd. The hospital is full and reserved to more emergent patients. It was supposed to start today. I thank God for closing that door for us as it was a struggle to find unity regarding this.

-          Ways to honor Simon’s memory while glorifying God. Lindsey bought 2 new winter coats Simon’s size and gave them to the needy.  

Thanks for serving my family,

Nic for the Currats