Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Way Out

The liquor store clerks couldn’t tell I had the Light of the World in me, I didn’t take a day off from drinking after my day of salvation. All they could see is me in that ratty old hat, doing same old- same old in front of their Carlo Rossi selection of jug wines. It came as a shock that a clear but gentle voice up from within me said, “That’s old Nic you don’t need that anymore.” I snapped to attention making sure nobody else heard, paused, took a long stare at the wine grabbed it and headed for the clerk. The next day I heard a similar prompt, “you are a new creation the old is gone, that includes drinking.” Every time after that, I had this wise gentleman with me when I entered the liquor store, kindly reminding me that Jesus asked me to give up the bottle the day I believed. Sometimes as I walked up to the door of the store I would tell God, “I know what you are going to tell me once I enter.” Inwardly reborn, outwardly stubborn.

I installed a teetertotter in my apartment to play old self/new self drinking games. Every night I’d bounce up on a liquor high dropping my new self to the ground while taking in some flick that i never remembered in the morning. The next morning the teetertotter new self went up high and would drop the old self to my knees, because I knew my Savior lives and I was still held by sin, weeping at the inescapability of my drunkenness, looking to Jesus at the cross praying for more blood, more mercy. Day after day for more than a year. This was a dangerous and difficult reality, but God graciously reminded me that I can’t stay where I was when He found me. 

Soon after placing my faith in Jesus, the Yellow Pages gave me my first church, pastor gave me my first memory verse. I started talking to him about my drinking. It was a verse that was a dagger to the Lone Ranger drinker that I was. “No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man, and God is faithful He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted He will offer a way out so you can stand up under it.” So now in those mornings when my warring old self dropped off the teetertotter and I was weeping for mercy -certain of forgiveness. I added a prayer of God actuating this promised jailbreak. 

The first “way out” God gave me was a week-long mission trip, no booze, not alone, new place, it was God’s grace. I prayed and praised with confidence that drinking was over, only to find my mind felt differently once I was back in town. What a clown, down on my knees again, pretty sure that God gave me a way out and I messed it up. Did I ruin my chance that God gave? Yes. But I still had that kind gentleman whispering at me from within, when I was at the liquor store. I still remember the certainty of forgiveness the Bible promises. So, I still pleaded the blood of Jesus every morning amid my hungover state. This is a dangerous spot be in, I knew it needed to go.

“Way out” #2 was God leading me to Moody Bible Institute. I signed a contract saying I could not drink. After much prayer about what that contract meant for this despairing sin and addiction, I said “well where God guides, He provides.” The Holy Spirit, my pastor, and my brother helped me know that God has to be the one to do the work. “Depend on Christ in me to not drink.” Christ in me is the hope of glory over all my sins. As I stepped out in faith, power was given, and lies were exposed about my “need” to drink.  Everything was new as I moved to Chicago and started a long-distance engagement to Lindsey whom I met at Bible study. I didn’t drink the entire fall semester, excitement grew as the wedding date was set for the summer.  I fell into drinking around spring break. The darkness of returning tempted me to keep all this to myself and carry on at school like a two-faced man.  The comfort of drinking again was so flimsy, phony. But breaking a promise, tearing down of my word, and wanting to hide it all loomed large. Like The thief/killer/destroyer knocking at my door saying “let’s ride again.”  

God’s grace to me was in the form of a Washington Apple, my honest, virtuous and Christ loving fiancĂ©e. This bride-to-be, was so tender over the phone faithful day after day. How could I keep anything away from her? So, I didn’t. We were committed to living truthfully before the Lord. A forged Christlikeness in me brought my confession of relapse to her over the phone in tears. Lindsey was very informed of my past problem with it. Her response was absent of that wooing tenderness, more like that of a judge and jury. There was no consolation, or watering down of our trust. Lindsey replied, “I love you Nic, and I want to marry you in the coming months. But my childhood was compromised because of alcohol and I want to make sure my adulthood isn’t. So, if you want to marry me, or can’t drink.” I was so put off in the moment, like she had no empathy for the monumental hardship I was dealing with. 

I remember long talks with God, having a drink here and there leading up the end of my first year at Moody. I prayed, laying the anguish of my heart before the Lord. Certain that He doesn’t call me to a life of drunkenness, also certain that He brought Lindsey to me for marriage, but this poison remained, its desire more and more muted to my will power. Its temptation over me looking like a cheap thrill rather than the golden calf of comfort and consolation it once was. Returning home for the wedding allowed me to just drop the issue and it’s was a grace that alcohol wasn’t around that week before my new vows. 

It is to the glory of God, through the wise love of my wife, and the freedom only found in Jesus, that I can say: Jesus gave me a third “way out”. I call it my wedding gift from God. We will celebrate ten years of marriage this July. And ten years away from alcohol. Let it be known that this was a two-year repentance project from the day of my salvation. God doesn’t give up.

God cares for the broken-hearted and those crushed in spirit. Addiction is all those things. No matter what it is that you can’t leave behind, God can do the same for you. God in Christ offers the certainty of forgiveness through faith. Ephesians 2 is a great place to learn more about this. I’m not special, it is Jesus Christ, and His power through the Holy Spirit that is supremely victorious.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Anna's 6th Birthday!

 Dear Prayer Warrior,

We’ve come to a place on this 6th birthday celebration of Anna’s miraculous life where we ask you to pray that we would hear a Word from God about His sovereign will for Anna. We know He is Healer. His will and power are to heal, but when for Anna? 

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'” Jeremiah 33:3

In praying for healing, the apostle Paul got a “no”. King Hezekiah got a “yes”. What is His Word for Anna?

One of my hero’s since having Anna has become Joni Eareckson Tada. This quadriplegic lady fervently prayed for healing until she received a Word from God, it was a “No”. After that answer she walked/rolled with God! She helped establish ADA laws in America. Her ministry sends wheel chairs to the poorest in the world and they equip special needs families to experience respite in God at her camps. Joni writes, paints and sings incredibly well. I love her tender heart of compassion for those suffering with disability. A curiosity to me is her expressive boasting in the Lord, even to the point of praising God for not healing her.   she turned the “No” from God into a “thank you for not healing me.” Allowing an incredible display of God’s Light through her cracked clay pot of a body. 

Please pray that God would speak to us sovereignly over this issue of Anna being healed so we can further build our lives with greater intentionality to glorify God. Believing in full immanent healing for Anna has colored our lives. Likewise the biblical promise of being raised from our bodily death in an incorruptible body holds equal praise. Biblical healing has become a topic we know well.

We shall not be moved if a “no” is received because we have 6 years of God faithfully equipping us and meeting our needs. We will stay the course! Nonetheless, God hasn’t discouraged us from envisioning the plausibility of radical healing. Our family life would experience a rebirth. We ponder what extra work could we do once we are no longer CNA’s for Anna because she has been healed. My imagination radiates to wonder what Anna’s first words would be to me. So out of these thoughts came a little birth day present for Anna, I wrote this tender piece of fiction creatively imagining Jesus healing Anna: 

We have lacked overnight nursing since the New Year. It’s my job to keep one ear awake so I can jump into action as needed. So, you can imagine the regret that comes when I accidentally left the sound of Anna’s video surveillance off. I slept like a rock that night and woke in a panic remembering I was on duty. Glancing over to the monitor there was no Anna on the screen, just her bed linens.

I turn the sound on and hear snapping sounds. I could also hear the double beeping of Anna’s overnight machines needing attention. I think to myself “Why didn’t Lindsey turn off the machines?” I could also hear the high pitch of Anna’s indoor wind chimes engaging the breeze, “wait, what breeze. Who opened the window?” As I scrambled to get myself out of bed, I hear Anna’s sweet and unmistakable laughter filling the audible landscape, then stomping. I look across our bed to see Lindsey sound asleep. A bit confused and disoriented, I charge into Anna’s room. 

In that moment I see the transfigured Jesus radiant as promised teaching Anna to snap and tap her toes to the beat of her two beeping machines. I forget to breath. Anna smiles at me, she’s holding up her head wearing the lovely Easter hat I bought her years ago, the one that had a one-inch rim all the way around it. My first tear drops fall as I grasp the doorframe down to my knees. 

Anna walks over to me, squats to my ear level as she places her open hand on my back. My vision blurs from weeping. Anna whispers in my ear, “Thank you daddy, God has done this. Let’s praise Him together.” She reaches down to grab my hand off the ground; I notice even her bite marks on her wrist and index finger are gone. I lift my head and wipe my eyes with my other hand. Then I see the feet where nails pierced scars remain.   I drop again, crawl over to kiss them. “My Lord” I said, “Blessed be your name forever.” 

Jesus lifts up my head, “Be healed Nic. This burden is no longer for your family, it has become for my glory!”  

Anna walks over and places her two hands on my cheeks and turns my head to hers interrupting my conversation with Jesus. Her brilliant eyes displaying deliberate eye-contact with me for the first time. She says to me, “I can see now. Can you help me ride the bike that mommy got me?” Jesus gestures us onward as we head to the garage to get her bike. 

Please pray for:

  • the right night nurses for Anna
  • a passionate and determined OT for Anna
  • wisdom in dealing with the various home healthcare companies, which to employ for what
  • her iron levels to return to a good range
  • wisdom and fair pricing to guide our various home modification plans as we were approved to get bids via insurance 
  • continued health and grace
  • approval for a bath chair and for a Orbit lift system, we finally got the stander!!!
  • improved saliva management and airway clearance while sleeping
  • that we may reintroduce tastes by mouth this year and food by mouth

For His service,

The Currats