Dear Prayer Warriors,
The Lord's unfailing love has been super evident this past month. Lindsey and I came to wits end emotionally a couple of times in the last few weeks only to find the comfort of our Merciful Savior in prayer and waiting. Our requests were not a hollow resounding gong before the Lord because in the space of prayer, the Father taught us to examine our trials with hope in the good He is working through them. Isn’t that His unfailing love? Lindsey and I focused on communication and prayer unity as husband and wife (and less in the things we can seemingly "control on our own"). The whirlwind of trials is passing, even though as I write I am listening to Anna continuously slide her excess mucus up and down her airway.
Two nights ago, Anna was coughing about every 20-30 seconds if she was not asleep. Mostly it was a dry, faded and unproductive cough that only fatigued her lungs without clearing her throat. My job was to get her to where she could sleep. I was medication juggling, suctioning, repositioning, doing the nebulizer and airway clearance vest treatments only to find her still coughing. I had not made helpful choices to anticipate being up all night with this illness going awry. Before the fatigue hit me, I was singing Beauty and the Beast songs to Anna and the pain of my hematoma was ignorable. After volleying from my bed to her bedside till about 1 AM, her coughing and discomfort became wild. I gave up going back to my bed; my thoughts laced with fears of unraveling health, tempting me to go downward. I was frustrated at the whole situation. Shortly after I cried out to Yahweh, I prayed weeping a bit, wishing for pity from the Lord. I think I had my nurse hat on too tight, and my own pain seemed like a wicked add-on distracting me.
So, I invited the Holy Spirit to come. The coughing didn’t stop, however, the "wishing things were different" did. Praise the God who changes my understanding and perspective, I know I would have not on my own because of my complaining tendencies! I praised God for the incredible gift of having Anna in my life. I held her hand and encouraged her. "Thank you, God, for her strong cough, some kids like her don't cough at all." My songs turned to eternal truths around 2 AM. At 3:30 I took a sneak back to my room and tagged Lindsey from her slumber to take over so I could rest a while. It wasn’t a night of healing physically. Then morning came and Anna slept straight from 7-11.
In other follow ups, Lindsey had successful gallbladder surgery three days after my last email because it could not wait. laparoscopic surgery is a wonderous invention, Praise the Lord. Now we are tasked with reinventing our diet to minimize the effects of not having a gall bladder to process fats. This reveals many eating habits that require pressing into Jesus's strength to overcome. Pray for us.
I have been on medical leave from work for three weeks, I return tomorrow with a months’ worth of ADA accommodations and a about the same length of time to fully recover. My employer paid 75% of my leave which is a grace that should enable a camping trip in late June!
This illness that Anna is going through struck us all last week; only Anna, Victor and Lindsey remain impacted with symptoms, please pray for a full recovery for all three. We miss the fellowship and participation in our church with so much going on at home and remain thankful knowing that if we share our lives with people of prayer that God can directly receive the glory and credit that is due Him for moving mountains! Hallelujah for such care, help, and unfailing love!!!
Blessings in the name of Jesus,
the Currats