Dear Prayer Warriors,
The Bible shows God in relationship with His children. A personal relationship means He is knowable, trust is established, and through experiences we bond and grow fidelity. Nicknames and inside jokes naturally surface.
God was God to Abraham then one day, because of one trial Abraham called God Jehovah Jireh. Abraham attached the specific characteristic of Provider when God provided a sacrifice (Gn 22). Hagar observed that God is the God Who sees during her trial, she realized His omnipresence in the remote place where the Angel found her (Gn 16). God revealed to Moses the attribute Him being Healer (Ex 15) and Our Banner (Ex 17) amid his struggles to lead Israel. Gideon built an altar to God because God showed that He is Jehovah Shalom (Jdg 6). King David called God Jehovah-Rohi the Lord my Shepherd (Ps 23). The prophet Samuel declared God to be named Our Helper (1 Sm 7). To name a few.
When I read the Bible it’s easy to see God and His many attributes all at once. But these Truths about God were given one at a time or more certainly one trial at a time. The pitfall in knowing God and His many attributes from Sunday school comes in my prayer life. In my struggles, I can look at my situation like the trauma of Anna’s birth and tight-fistedly declare “God you are Jehovah Rapha heal Anna. it will bring You glory.” The Bible makes it clear that He is healer, it's not too difficult, He can do it and He has healed many times immediately, and His Word promises complete healing in Christ eventually. But God hasn’t healed Anna. I need to move on from the "No" or more accurately "Not yet."
Looking back on that trial, I remember a specific night shortly after Anna’s birth, Lindsey and I were returning home from the hospital because they did not allow the parents to stay the night if their newborn was in the intensive care unit. I dropped Lindsey off at our Apartment complex after another long day of learning new diagnoses and constantly laying down what we thought life would look like with a healthy kid.
It was dark and snowy, Chicago cold if you know what I mean. The only parking spot I could find after circling the neighborhood was three blocks away. I couldn’t have imagined carrying more burdens on the three block walk home alone. So I prayed aloud in my puffy coat with tears turning into freezing water on my face “God you don’t make mistakes, please heal. It’s a small thing for you to do.” Amid the crunchy footsteps and the frozen air, a peace came over me. I stopped bewildered for a second. I quieted myself, looked around and up at the street light. In that darkness burdens felt lifted, and I humbly confessed in sadness, in faith, and in gentleness “I know that if You don’t heal now, You will equip us for this life with Anna and she will bring us into Your Throne room. She will cause us to come to You. I need faith for that.” That night and the years of faithfulness ensuing, I found the Lord to be the God Who Equips.
Equipper, it's what He wanted me to know Him as then and there. I felt a personal relationship with God that cold night. To my surprise since then, His equipping has made me see Him as the Alpha and Omega, the One who knows the beginning from the end. He knows the time and place for Anna’s healing. I learned to trust Him more as Sovereign and good in every moment as He calls me to live as a servant to my daughter. Her care is consuming at times, but what a gift and a joy my first-born child is including her disabilities! I am aware that God my equipper sounds very much like Jehovah Jireh. That name was already taken though. This amazing relational grace with God is afforded me because of Jesus crucified. I have assured forgiveness from God according to His Word (Rm 5). I have reconciliation with God the Father and a personal relationship as His child; so when I am in trials, He shows one of His attributes to cling to. Instead of me telling Him what Attribute of His He ought to show me.
Praise the Lord for:
-stories of His glory.
-How He welcomes vulnerable conversational prayers.
-Family pictures, it was hard without Simon but God has given us a beautiful family to reflect His glory. no matter what it looks like. I remember when I lived for myself I thought I would never marry. so praise God.
Please Pray for:
-Restoration. Today a dear brother led me to the last chapter in the book of Job and my heart exclaimed Restoration! May we come to know God as the restorer of our family like Job did.
-Further courage from the Lord as we return to Hippo (horseback) therapy. My son Simon was learning horsemanship there and loved everything about it while Anna was taking her horseback riding therapy. Pray for Lindsey to be encouraged at God renewing our commitment there.
-the Lord to bless Lindsey as she develops a relationship with a counselor
Nic for the Currats