Dear prayer Warriors,
Happy Thanksgiving. I realize that it's perhaps poor etiquette
to send out an email on Thanksgiving, but I was actually waiting for this day
to send it. Where would I be without your prayers, the intercessory
prayers of the brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you that I can share my
vantagepoint with you and you in return go to the Father for me and my family. These
prayer emails have helped me work out my faith. Praise God for your responses.
Faith Birthday -a Celebration of my Adoption
I assume all of you know my testimony so let me be
direct. Can you believe that I was consciously a "John Doe" for a day?
Not someone found unconscious without an ID but a conversational John Doe. That fact encapsulates my lostness.
Thankfully God knew that I was His even on my darkest day. How lost could anyone
get when people ask for your name and you reply "I have
none." That was me, a few days of my life were lived in solitary “observation”
rooms and I remember spitting on the walls, not even being able to control when
I needed to use the restroom for a week or so. I remember being given a Bible and
slowly crumpling up the pages. It was a Bible with the red letters signifying
Jesus’s spoken words. Therefore, I found a red pen and scribbled over the pages
with my red ink, proving to anyone/anything watching who I thought god was.
God’s creation of humanity receives life, free will,
and time on this earth. So many people are happy with this. I know I was for
most of 28 years. I did my best to be careful in trusting, slow to be loving
and tolerant no matter the cost. Live and let live. I led a lifestyle that
forged its own beliefs by trusting my senses. Evil and sin became hard to
pinpoint as such. I loved my sin so long as it didn’t hurt anyone, I was on
board to do it. How dangerous it is to have a world view with self-justifying
morals. On November 10th of this year, I celebrated my 18th
faith birthday. My complaints and self-pity were dismantled 18 years ago. God
got my attention that day because I had been humbled again by my car getting
stolen. In that moment of brokenness/ openness, the Holy Spirit helped me
consider absolute truth instead of my own. The cross was no longer a
story to me. Jesus’s cross represented for the first time that which it always
claimed: my forgiveness before God Almighty for everything. The claim of the
cross is that Jesus died to pay for my sins. No longer am I bound to sin’s
eternal punishment. Sacrificial love was used to reconcile me to God. This is
why trusting the Bible as God’s Word, as absolute truth, became my remedy and
Jesus my only King and Redeemer.
What a reward! I’m not talking eternal reward here; I’m
talking about walking in the singularity of truth as being my reward. Now I can
commit everything to Jesus and forsake the world because I live with His
companionship, Lordship, and Truth. His shepherding through all of the changes
and hard things is an enormous reward. Being able to ask God what to do when
life becomes impossible and finding the answer of what to do in the Bible is a
reward! The Bible tells me that I can live by faith in the Son of Man,
who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Who is my Father?
This year, particularly this day and time of
year, I’m dwelling on God’s adoptive love. It is my treasure in the field.
I sold all my copyrights, my entitlements, my loyalties and royalties to buy
the field containing that treasure. The treasure of being God’s son. God asks
all of us to surrender even our own family on His altar to see that Jesus is
more. Mankind is offended by the cost,
believers call it being born again, but God calls it adoption. I’m not just a
creation made by Him, I am His beloved child through faith, I’m in the family
now. By God’s grace, I can worship God as my Father more sweetly than most
because I was fatherless for nearly all of my childhood, youth, and young adult
When I lift my hands in worship particularly at church
and in my home, I mimic my son Victor who will express his desire to be held by
me by running into me, lifting up his arms and uttering a plea to be held. That
is the posture I take when I raise my hands in worship to my Father. I am His
son running to Him desiring to be picked up, held, and spoken to. I see the
metaphor clearly; therefore, I father my children with an intentional desire to
scoop up those outstretched arms (and find the nearest thing to sit down on for
more support). What great love I have for my kids because of God’s great love
for me. God’s greater love and greater goodness is bountifully being given and
offered to me. Praise the Lord!
Yesterday marked the 44th year that my
earthly father died. It was on Thanksgiving Day 1980 when his love went missing,
literally swallowed up in an avalanche on St Mary’s Glacier. It was on the TV and the newspapers for days, but this was our news to carry for the time to
come. When I reflect on growing up, I can think of no greater offense that
befell me than my father’s death on Thanksgiving. I thought it was a sick joke
from God, that on “thanks day” I was rendered thankless, fatherless. For many
years I blamed God for the avalanche that took my father’s life. I imposed
on myself the pressure to be like my dad, liking the things he liked, but I
could not even remember what his hugs felt like.
Praise God that 18 years ago I found my first lasting "thanks"
on Thanksgiving: the death of my father was no longer pain provoking
or cruel or seemingly meaningless. As I see it, the recompense for the death of
my father was my Adoptive Father. This adoption and new relationship
with Dad became important so that I could be the best father I can to my kids. In
the years since, the Lord has called me to be a father to the most needy and to
care for kids through the darkest valley.
Perhaps the greatest hindsight I have this year as I write
this is the biblical promises that God has always been the protector of widows and the father
to the fatherless. Year after fragile year, my mother had the support and love
of her friends, family, and many church families. I see how God equipped my
mother with great self-sacrifice and control to raise four boys on her own, in a country she did not grow up in. I glean that it was the Lord who acted as my
dad sovereignly even when I hated Him. He lived among us through His saints, angels,
and His Holy Spirit even when I wouldn’t be comforted and held.
Deuteronomy 10:18 declares that God "executes
justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him
food and clothing." The psalmist in Psalm 10:14 said to God, "You
have been the helper of the fatherless." Psalm 68:5 says, "Father of
the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation."
Praise the Lord for:
-The persistent memory-sharing of Simon particularly
with our children. As parents, we count on Simon's vital, formative role in our
family. This includes sharing our wonder of where God says Simon is and
our future promises of a reunion. In turn, may my surviving children see their
precious and vital contribution too.
- We rejoiced at Renee and Victor moving into Simon and
Renee's old room recently. what lay empty, desolate, that which was swallowed
up for years has become a place for our children again. I'm going through
Isaiah with Anna and there are many passages on how abandoned and in ruins the
promised land will be, but in Isaiah 49 the promise of Zion, the
return of God's people has arrived. God says "then you will know that I am
Yahweh, those who put their trust in me will not be put to shame. 49:23b"
. May the Lord fill us to overflowing once again.
-Anna's continued interest and work on the eye gaze
device. We had a prayer warrior of ours share that she prays for Anna to
communicate her hope and salvation in words. I have no doubt of her salvation,
but I must admit I admire this lady's faith in wanting such a righteous thing
for Anna. Anna continues to communicate to us using her “talker” (the
eye-gaze device). The clinic we have been going for this has been great and
refreshing to learn more about Anna.
Please Pray for:
-Our continued desire to have another child, that
the origin of this desire would continue to be on the foundation of Christ, for
the Lord's glory. I grieve at how prideful I was in assuming control of
how many kids to have, thinking that our quiver was built for four kids.
Join us in asking for 5, thanking for 4, and praising Him for 3 under our
current “loan”. What a gift children are!
-Renee’s continued growth in faith and wisdom. We use
her AWANA memorization verses as our family devotion times. Talking in depth
the significance of each selected verse for memory. Then we all learn it by
heart. Renee has been stepping up in wonderful ways and having setbacks as well.
I was in a moment of frustration out of continued repetition, I raised my voice
toward Victor. Renee sensed the tension, looked at me and said, “Dad you need
less passion and more patience.” Once I picked my jaw off the floor, I agreed, complimented
her on her observation and asked her for suggestions. She suggested waiting 20
minutes before escalating any situation. As far as a setback, Renee pushed a boy knocking
him down. My own childhood memories flooded in and I felt parental disappointment
for the first time. After going to the boy’s house and talking with his family,
I feel Renee has grown in awareness of her actions and what they led to. They say
girls are made with “sugar and spice and all things nice”, I feel the Lord
doubled the spice with Renee. Lastly, she asked me to baptize her. As we are
preparing for this, it has opened the door for her to own her faith more. Pray
that God would enrich her life through answered prayer, purpose her days, and
lead her to a life verse of her own that has great significance for her.
-Anna, We have had 5 significant doctor appointments
since I last wrote. All of which were positive. The biggest is the Cerebral
Palsy clinic where her bone and muscle formation challenges (dystonia) are
closely evaluated. Her scoliosis is not worsening, the doctor was pleased with
her hip x ray as well. We were ordered some preventative care night time ankle
braces in the hopes of avoiding ankle surgery, in my flesh I groan at another
caretaking task to do daily. Praise God for the diligence, joy, love, and
strength He gives us to do all her many cares. Anna already sleeps with a forced
air mask, a wedge between her legs and now ankle braces. Please join me in praying
one of the oldest prayer request I’ve ever asked for: “that God would show the
good He has in store for her.” Pray we would select a wonderful Make-a-wish wish for her.
-distractions of this world to be identified and
removed. That my Father would grow me. I settle for comfort
when God is offering me fathering instead. He is encouraging me to be more
intentional and live with daily extra effort. Instead, I find myself scrolling
marketplace items for sale and it has mustered up to me a covetousness that I
am not used to living with. May I be contagiously thankful, a light at my work
and a joy in my home.
Thankful for you!
Nic for
the Currats