I thank God for:
*Jesus Christ
*Having a plan for me
*Accepting and wanting all of me
*People on the treasure hunt for the truth: find You
*You never change, yet You encourage us to do so until eternity
*Hearing my prayers, even though You already know the topic and resolution
*"If you knew what I know about Jesus, then you would tell me stat." Evangelism attitude
*For finding me in that one moment -small gap- where every circumstance lead me surrendor all to Jesus
*Producing signs of miracles out of me, like turning my weaknesses into stregnths and confiscating my addictions
*You look into my heart like none else to see my longing and efforts; gently You hold and preserve them lighting my soul
*Unfolding my faith walk at a pace that enables me to trust, love and grow simultaniously; pushing out fears and cluelessness
*Seeing blessings as a blessing. recognizing they come from God not by my own merit though on the surface it seems as such
*For reminders in the people and the world around me of the person I tried so hard to be. -but wasn't. Amazing how set apart I am in Following Christ
*Dispite my heavy relyance God continues to help me practically/ Joyfully -not be annoyed with me.
**Only because Jesus has rescued me from my sins and Satan. My obedience to Christ grants freedom to be who God hoped I would be.
*In discovering who that person is, I've come to love myself wholly