God's here, sovereign over all.
Jesus came to earth to fulfilled laws and prophecies. One that was realized was that someone would announce His arrival. That man was John the Baptist. What a great job he did: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." John 1:29. That is so encompassing of what Jesus did. I lose sight of this so often because I’m not a Jew. I never payed attention to the one (and only) true God thriving, raising and blessing the Jews all this time. He set up this deal that only by bloodshed is there remission of sin by God. Since He is apart from sin and evil this was the only stamp of God's approval to redeem the Jews. The alter of sacrifice from the Bible just strikes me as this bloody, gory, slaughterhouse with gold as a cutting board. But now place Jesus in there; He is our lamb that grants remission of sins. If Christ wasn't my sacrificial lamb, I would be afraid of every choice I make every second of life.
Jesus didn't just come for His bride, camp Jesus or the lost. He came to redeem all and restore the world. Another thing that was so signature John the Baptist is his slogan "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." So am I making straight the way of the Lord? Jesus already came and fulfilled John's words. Aren’t John’s words still true? Is the kingdom of heaven near? If so, I should fill out the sandals of John the Baptist -stat. The kingdom of heaven is only getting nearer now. One thing God guarantees a few times in the Bible is: we know not the time of Christ's return. He is God so I guarantee its going down. I can't figure it out, not the day or time, can I ask God for a look-see?
That was the intro. I don't want to rant conversion of Eskimos, ballerinas or pimps. But I do want to talk about the first part of what John says in his slogan "repent". I have repented from a few things, mainly stuff that I just wanted out of my life anyways. I never returned to them and the power of the Holy Spirit is to be praised for that. God's power to enable repentance is so strong that I haven't really tapped into it. I say this because the sins/attitudes I don't want to repent from are still in my life. The Holy Spirit will win in a mighty way. Repenting is intentional and deliberate. it is a choice to change for Jesus' call.
Here's what's I see repentance as: 1, my heart is crying to stop. 2, my mind becomes equipped to deny any justification for doing it/ saying it. 3, confession to Jesus. 5, conversion/cut-off. I think in my mind repentance is like a vow. It is something that needs to be thought of before being engaged, honored, and upheld. There is nothing cyclical about repenting... Just a linear walk with eyes fixed on Christ.
My hang-ups are that I don't equip my mind enough to deny justification. I'm impulsively living during those times. I need to deliberately avoid certain situations that bring the sin/attitude to the table. And in a few difficult instances after dedicating to repenting, months down the road, I break my repentance. the sadness is big when that happens because it was between God and me and He doesn't lack understanding -but I sure do. I'm not about to cheapen what Jesus did for me by thinking I can hide these problems. I know what its like to be used by someone for their own satisfaction, I don't want Jesus to feel that way because I am unrepentant. Jesus died so I can live free from this. So I can be raised a child of God in God's timing. I was asked this week a striking question: "what battle are you enduring that two years ago you would have never been able to face?"
I specifically remember on the day I became a believer praying to Jesus and honestly stating that I will follow Him with all my heart but I was not ready to let go of my addictions and change. I prayed for a steady conversion. Most addictions were gone in the first two months. The more serious central ones that I try and justify are still being loosed. I am so invited to repent with the incredible life my Savior has authored in just two years. These are the battles that two years ago I just couldn't imagine fighting. As in all of my life He will fight for me to gain victory and i will share about it for God's credit.
My faith Birthday is coming up real soon. As the kingdom draws nearer I want to be able to be upright making the way straight for the Lord. And spread some joy along the way.
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