In Jeremiah 9:3-6 God illustrates why Judah ripe for exile and judgment. God reveals that Judah was:
V3: Filled with lies instead of faithfulness.
-Judah goes from one evil to another without consideration of God.
V4: No one can be trusted: brothers deceive and friends slander.
V5: No one tells the truth. They taught their tongue to speak lies.
-Judah is worn out from doing wrong.
V6: They live in a world of deception, and in there they refuse to know the Lord.
This is not unlike the conditions that exist today.
So now we can see how hard it must have been to be this God-fearing upright prophet speaking Truth in a world where Truth isn't spoken. Jeremiah has the heart and head for God and so he reacts severely to Judah's despondency/condition. Its documented earlier at the end of chapter 8, verses 18-22.
Here's Jeremiah reaction to Judah's rebellions:
V18: My heart is sick... Joy has flown.
V19: provoked to anger.
V20: (according to my study bible) Verse 20 is an expression meaning that Jeremiah watched all opportunities for Judah's correction pass them by.
V21: Jeremiah is broke by the brokenness..."I mourn, horror has a hold of me."
Even into the start of Chapter 9 Jeremiah speaks of weeping day and night of over the slain Judeans. And most convicting of all Jeremiah says he would abandon them if he had the chance.
This is the reaction of a godly man surrounded by unbelief. There is a contempt but more so a mourning, a weeping for the state of his culture, and the individuals in it. Also there is a commitment to stay despite his personal desire to leave. Jeremiah stays perhaps because he knew it was God's plan for him.
Where is my sick heart for the lost? Am I so numb, acclimated to horrors of godlessness holding my culture? Do I engage my world and present chances for godly acts? Am I plotting to abandon people who need God for a home of peace and rest? Am I angry or indifferent to the unbelief of friends and family? If I am angry what are productive ways to deal with that? I must remain non-condemning to those that sin and spark anger. I know all to well how sinful I am...
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