Monday, September 26, 2016

Injection junction and other prayers

This is a robust list of things we ask you to pray for. (Its an abridged post from the prayer email I sent a week ago but never posted here). Let's pray again, tomorrow at 9 am central time Anna will be given her first injection of cord blood stem cells from live births in Panama. The Lord be praised forever.  

"But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall." Malachi 4:2

A contributing reason why I write these prayer requests is because of something I was told by a family we befriended while we were in the NICU. This family had been walking down the special needs path 5 years ahead of us while depending on Him. They said, “I don’t want to be before the Lord and ask Him why He decided not to heal my son sooner… Only to have the Lord reply ‘you stopped asking me to do it.’” They resolved to always ask, we can resonate with that thinking because God is able! 

Please Pray:
-For Lindsey, Simon, Anna and I to experience health, sleep, and a perfect peace on this trip. We are a bit manic in thought about all this and it's tempting to second guess.  May we be spirit-led and Christ like.  We have faith in God’s sovereign hand.  
-For Lindsey and I to have time outside of family devotions to meet one-on-one with God however that looks. 
-For Satan and all demonic forces to be dealt with in the spirit world by the supremacy of Christ and His work for us. We do not tread in the kingdom of darkness but rather the kingdom of the Son. 
-For every trial to be presented before the Lord in prayer and for the solutions to be bathed in wisdom. 
-For God to continue to have a glorious mercy on Anna through the giving of His umbilical cord stem cells to Anna. 
-For no complications in administering them. that the 40 million stem cells quoted would be administered and that all the cells be healthy and well preserved.  
-For God to rebuild Anna’s neurological injuries and brain damaged areas causing them to work as He intended them to work when He first created such intricate things.  
-For Anna to experience ability in her core muscles thus strengthening her esophagus sphincter ending her acid reflux, enabling independent sitting, and allowing her head control to be unaided. 
-For God to bring miraculous healing to Anna’s optic nerve and her visual cortex. She has the most beautiful eyes that are not injured however she can hardly see because of the damage to the visual receptors in her brain.
-For Anna’s full healing that she could see, walk, talk, jump, whistle, dance, express, and make choices. 
-That Anna would come to know that God loves her and made all this possible because of His great love for her. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a big prayer, and we serve and even bigger God!