Tuesday, October 4, 2016

O for a Thousand and One Tongues to Sing

Hello Prayer People,

My brother has this image of Anna running through a field and dancing because of the Lord’s healing. My brother never came up and told me this; it pops up when we pray together for Anna. God has given my brother an image of grace for his niece and it is like a promise for him.

I don’t have such a time and place that I see Anna miraculously able. However I do frequently wonder about Anna’s voice. This girl has the prettiest coos and elementary sounds but she is nonverbal, unable to tell us anything outside of her use of volume, tone, and frequency. So I have often asked God what her voice and singing would sound like, how pleasing it must be for a father to hear his daughter singing to the Creator in worship.

Before Anna I would have thought these types of believer’s visions to be improbable at best. Now I see that these yearnings of healing come from believing with the heart before the head. God always wants our hearts first.  My head doesn’t grasp that Anna could one day sing worship to God but my heart does. Anna will be healed, should it be here, gradual, partial, complete, in heaven?

Sorry for the long intro.

One of the reasons Anna cannot eat solid food is because her tongue has never learned how to move from side to side. She has only been able to use her tongue in a forward and backward motion. The natural use of her tongue is limited neurologically. If food were to get pocketed in the sides of her mouth she cannot retrieve it. For the last year and a half we have tried with the feeding therapist to stimulate this ability with a vibrating brush, creative spoon feeding, massaging… but with no result.

Then two nights ago, Lindsey was brushing Anna’s teeth and asked me to come quick. Praise God! Anna was trying to locate the toothbrush on the sides of her mouth with her tongue. She was nearly rolling the sides of her tongue, showing us that she can move her tongue to the side.

Let’s Pray:

-For increased grace to make new neurological connections through therapy and new cells bringing ability to Anna’s tongue

-For visions and dreams that are a “Yes and Amen” in Jesus

-For Anna’s current sickness to pass swiftly. Pray for her ability to clear all excess mucus from her throat. Her congestion is causing her to wake up frequently and/or causing her to gasp for air. She cannot roll over, or go onto her side to be more comfortable without us rotating her. Also, may the Lord help us as we suction her it is tricky and often triggers reflux.

-We noticed little reflux in Panama throughout our trip, however back in Colorado the reflux increased again, may God take away her acid reflux

-For Traveling mercies for the upcoming road trip on Friday to Portland for Intensive therapy. 

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing has been on my mind ever since that toothbrushing night especially this verse:

"Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy."

Nicksters, Lindsey, Anna Pie, and Si-money

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