Saturday, April 16, 2022

priceless love

Dear Praying Friends,

Not too long ago I was prepping some heat n' eat garlic knots from Walmart. as I put the tray into the toaster oven my fingernail bent backwards on the door frame and I let out this quick “yaaaooouuch, my finger!" As I inspected the nail, Simon came running over, grabbed my hands and without saying a word started kissing all my fingers one by one. I didn’t know what was going on, as I watched him start on the second hand I said "son what are you doing?" he looked up at me and said "I didn't know which finger was hurt so I wanted to kiss all of them." That was a priceless moment helping me see that I am so loved by that little boy.

Add to that, this week I read through another priceless love moment; the account of Jesus being anointed with the alabaster jar of perfume by a woman (Matthew 26). She comes into the home seemingly without invitation, determined to do this act before the guests and disciples. As the onlookers criticized, Jesus was beautified in what was likely one of the last dinners He would have before His death. Jesus treasured this up in His heart, while the witnesses didn’t understand. As I superimpose my relationship with Jesus on these examples, I find myself kissing my Redeemer’s hands and feet where the wounds of the greatest injustice the world has ever known resided. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).”

I thought of my relationship with my Perfect Heavenly Father. How can I show my love for Him like Simon did for me, or that lady did for Jesus? I know great planning was not involved with Simon's act; the woman seemed on a mission like it couldn't wait. So why do I think in my mind that I need a well hatched plan to give love and glory to God? As I prayed, reflected, and started to write about these things, the Holy Spirit brought to my attention caregiving. I was reminded that in the chapter before in Matthew the Goats and Sheep are separated in holy judgment by the practical love they did or did not show to "the least of these" and God the judge says to the sheep "when you chose to help them you chose to help me."  In following this line of thinking, I’m loving on God when I serve and help others. That is not complicated at all. Actually, the Lord has entrusted me to do that daily with my family, with Anna a diaper change becomes an act of love unto the Lord. A deserved “time out” for my middle kids is a pleasing aroma to Him. When I lavish encouragement and appreciation on my coworkers, I am loving God. Essentially, when I am others-centered looking where I can to offer help and I do it in Jesus’ name I show love to God similar to the anointing of Jesus or the kissing of ten fingers for the sake of one. What a caring, loving Creator.

 Anna received a new diagnosis of Electrical status epilepticus in sleep (ESES). Her EEG showed no seizures but it did show 'spikes' which the Neurologist likened to sparks that can start fire (seizures). she has more than 80 spikes in 100 seconds as she sleeps. For Anna, the evidence of seizure activity remains elusive especially when she is given tests and circumstances to provoke a seizure and she doesn't have them. At random times we wonder at her behavior like "was that a seizure?" The Lord knows and blessed be His healing name because the last confirmed seizure Anna had was in the NICU. What a tremendous peace that is to us! 

When Anna was 2, we were treating Hipsarrhymia (a diagnosis that is hand in hand with seizures). I remember God impressing upon me in my heart of hearts that Anna would not have seizures. This is something that doesn't usually characterize my relationship with God, however I remember in that moment having that overly anxious burden of seizures lifted from me. I was confused when asked to do another EEG for seizure activity but I said "sure let’s praise God for what’s not there." We did and do rejoice! This ESES diagnosis impairs her cognition and makes her life increasingly difficult to reach any milestone. But God has treated this ESES before through a couple avenues of medication. So we hope to meet with the Lord and a neurological specialist to find the best road to walk down.

Oh I almost forgot, Anna starts Hippotherapy on Wednesday, what a sweet treat and a time of mending that should be, we will continue this every week until her surgery in 5 weeks. Praise the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers and have a joyous Resurrection Sunday!!


The Currats.

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