Somewhere submerged in the worries of the days, the trends of conversations and the motives of my follies I had a thought. Someone dear to me suggested Karma playing a deciding role in their decisions: small like litering to big like spending time with the elderly. These virtues were actuated for Karmic kudos. This is all very "what's in it for me" kind of thinking. Though this person practices Christianity I wanted to investigate my limited knowledge of the Bible and what it says in regards to Karmic law. This is not a study, just a curiosity.
My understanding of Karma is the active energy in the earth, people, and time combining with past actions and choices to bring us full circle to reinfluence and determine what one faces today. A sort of reincarnation of events and feelings.
The most effective Christian parallel might be that you will reap what you sow. Still off though, because salvation hinges on faith not action or words. So a Believer, despite reaping pain and suffering here (due to bad sowing); they could still find relyance and eternal rest in the Lord. Whereas the Karmic tallier might carefully sow to find a future lucrative in reaping. But those self calculations leave trust in an almighty God expendable.
Karma isn't invalid, it does tap into dimensions worthy of discribing God that a Christian could agree with. Like the saying "they're gonna get what's coming to them." Despite the judgement call on the spokesperson, it eccos the Bible's claim that revenge is the Lord's. To a Christian, revenge is not ours for the calculating or executing. This act of trusting in God plan is similar to the way karmic law is supposed to play out. Except when Karma doesn't get that person and anger sets in how to control those feelings? With God there's prayer, His word and the Holy Spirit. What happens in Karma, does that person rethink their tit-for-tat logic or summon demonic voo-doo dolls?
Karma seems to endorse a turn the other cheek attitude to objects, animals, actions and people too. Something very akin to the message of loving your enemies that Jesus taught. I think Christ mainly kept it to people though. I love the enviornment too, but not like I love people. That said, I don't think a tootsie roll wrapper dropped in the mall food court will have rippling reprocussions the way instant Karma might induct... Does Karma see the heart? I know God does.
My single favorite hymn as of yet is "Trust and Obey" the lyrics go something like; "trust and obey/ for there's no other way/ to be happy in Jesus/ than to trust and obey." This is talking about the Romans 12:1 factor. A believer once embodied in the mercy and light of Christ, sets out to be a functioning part the body of Jesus on earth. That connectedness is not elitest, its precious and well discribed in the Bible. Sacrifice becomes logical (learn and follow), believers are challenged to give without expecting return. God has a great will, and its full; of hope, of fairness of love (just the get the ball rolling). My will is conforming to Christ the teacher. I gave karma up for a Christian belief system that is never vague and sometimes mysterious.
Faithfulness in Jesus reaps the gace of God. "Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, the Spirit who calls out 'Abba Father'. So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir." (Galations 4:6-7)