I just finished chaperoning my youth group at a Dare 2 Share conference at the Pepsi Center. Their mission is to equip youth to share the gospel of Christ to everyone. Some churches call them dare to scare because they feel that they over emphasize evangelism or that youth haven't been grown enough to take that stand. I just think they've never given D2S much of a chance. Its solid from what I see.
I got lots out of it. They had this skit between two girls dressed all Hip-Hop one quoting scripture like an angel of the Lord and the other like a demon. They'd recite verses from the Bible about God, His promises, wrath and Revelation to persuade us the importance of memorizing verses it blew my mind and I was convicted. I enter my battles with sin, Satan and temptation with prayer and hope. But this adds the sword of the Holy Spirit, being the Bible.
Another eye-opener for me was prostration during prayer. Praising God for who He is was done on my feet with out-stretched arms. Petitions are next, seated hands folded head bowed. Lastly confession to Jesus is done on my knees. Interesting method that I think might help section out my prayers.
There was this moment where I (all the youth leaders) and had to place my hand over the youth in my group and pray out loud for them. Talk about putting aside everything and just counting the moment to usher the right words to express God's love for them uniquely. How there is hope in owning a faith in Christ.
The conference then went door to door, All over Denver and collected cans for the Denver rescue mission. The main reason they went was to share the gospel as they went door to door. Intense! We raised 15 tons of canned food. We heard stories of persecution, lives changed and some other awesome stories after. I was really challenged and faced the fact that I have a fear of evangelizing to strangers, similar to the fear I have in living out repentance and not falling again.
The conference speaker asked us to call someone from our seats in the Pepsi Center and share the gospel with them; A friend or family member that doesn’t know Christ. My heart was pounding when I made that call. I got an answering machine but still I left a message and that seed was planted.
Then lots of laughter and praise songs. Jesus rocks my world. They had this shirt that said:
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