I went through the ten commandments in Bible study and I got convicted about helping out mom. So today i went and pulled some roots out of the ground chez maman, they were deep, weak and all over. They were the remenants of a thorny bush. So after lots of quiet reflection and unwillingness on my part. I started to apply faith to what i was doing; A deeper meaning for the chore at hand.
I thought how in coming to Christ there we have new life and are changed. But the sin and my life in darkness are still present in the roots. yes I'm forgiven, but its is up to sanctification -the Holy Spirit indwelling to labor with the shovel, pushing aside the earth to attain the roots of my sinful ways. With leverage, force and time one by one the roots of the thorny bush are uprooted. So that the persistant ones cannot resurface and claim slavery on me. There was this one root that my mom attacked with the shovel and me with my hands pulling up on it. suddently, it gave way and we fell on ours behinds. Laughing at how that root just gave way at once and we didn't expect it. Just some observations about what God uproots so we can grow with Him. This makes me think that eternity doesn't start when we die but rather when we have placed our portion of faith in Jesus.
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