The virus remains. Our Doctor described this type of virus as "go through a whole box of tissues in one afternoon virus". Since Anna cannot blow her nose on command, suctioning cannot keep pace with the amount of post nasal drip. So a portion gets aspirated, this is the remaining concern for Anna's lungs. we are needing the ejection of the mucus from her lungs. And for the faucet to be turned off. Basically Anna's coughs and our suctioning are the ticket out of here.
Currently Anna is sleeping lots, we are tube feeding her so she can rest. We wake her up to suction as needed, and it's needed. I'm grateful that the doctors let us do the nose and mouth suctioning because often it can't always wait for the nurse to respond to our call button. Part of Anna's treatments is deep suction four times a day. which consisted of a tube that goes down to the trachea via the nostril.
Other things I thank God for today, graces in the storm:
-Lindsey spent the night at home and slept well.
-Our friend Nancy from Chicago flew out to help us for a week.
-Simon walked many times unaided like seven steps! He is not allowed on the same floor as Anna so him and me were playfully entertained in the cafeteria. We played with two bendy straws and a cup of water for like an hour.
-A family we know that has had their son hospitalized here for months surprised us with gifts for Anna and Simon. What an incredible others-center gesture.
-I am delighted that we are past hospitalizations requiring her to be in a crib. Anna has a bed which means that parenting becomes much more cozy and comforting with the big bed. "Rest easy and stay the course dear Anna."
Please pray:
-for God to give Anna strength and a stronger immune system
-for more mucus clearing coughs, and an end to the post nasal drip.
-for Miles, the kid of the fore mentioned family. That he would continue to grow defy the odds and adjust to the needed medical devices in his fight.
- for Anna to stay at room air and not need a supplement
-for God to continue to glorify Himself through Anna's hardships.
- for the virus to run its course on out of Anna
-for wisdom regarding discharge date and continued home care.
I sure am untied to you all in Christ, Thankful you for taking the time to walk in our shoes, and kneel before God for us.
Nic, Lindsey, Anna, and Simon
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