Friday, October 20, 2017

My Inheritance

Prayer Teammates,
I have been going through the book of Psalms taking a close look at God's declared works and attributes. "The lifter of my head" was one such quality. The other that has been striking to me is the declaration that "God is My Inheritance."
That sentiment aligns so well with how Anna is doing, how i am doing. The very night i sent out the last e-mail of our enduring: anna's latest sickness, my fatigue and wishing to never suction again, God has taken over. Anna hasn't needed suctioning since that night. In fact she is well and needing minimal nightly intervention for the last four nights. Our wednesday night nurse was bored having finished her book ahead of pace because Anna has been such a good sleeper.
The Holy Spirit has been addressing my sin issues of pride and selfishness at work, i have found myself apologizing for my frustrations and rerouting my relationships in the Light of Christ's path. I have been repeating "in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world." -Jesus.
I didn't want my last e-mail to linger in your minds without an accounting for all the answers to prayer we have been seeing. Following Jesus with Anna amid a world of able children might seem like how the Levites felt when God split up the Promised Land among the twelve tribes and then saying to them: I will be your inheritance no land is set apart for you. we don't get what everyone got, we didn't get what we hoped to get when we first set out to become parents. God in His Sovereignty saw it fit for us raise Anna, ours is a hope in the returning of our Lord and Savior knowing that Anna will be full healed today, in the days to come, or on On that Day.

Whatever Christians go through: in need, wanting, or in plenty we have a life that depends on God for all eternity. We can do nothing on our own.
Thanks for waiting with us, for this in Chirst Jesus our Inheritance is Glorious  Him

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