Sunday, June 6, 2021

God's Bountiful Plunder


Dear Prayer Warriors.


Thanks to the worship time at church, the chorus of that Michael W. Smith song is in my head “This is how I fight my battles x3/ it may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You.” What a jam. The Lord has redeemed my writing for Himself, what was once used for mocking God for selfish gain He has redeemed. If I’m walking in the light, depending on prayer, why hide anything? Honesty in trials keeps my heart soft and teachable as His love ministers and the circumstance unfolds. The prayer warriors become Jesus’ tangible surrounding of us, while He Himself is navigating from inside me. This is how I fight my battles!   


This surgery was a battle, thanks for surrounding us. Let’s take time to reflect on the bountiful plunder of His victory. The battle started about 3 years ago when our Physiatrist (rehab/cp doc) noticed that Anna’s femur bone wasn’t at a good angle and was about ten degrees dislodged out of the ball and socket joint. she referred us discretely to the orthopedic surgeon. She had seen enough cases that she could have given us a full-blown picture of the ordeal far off on the horizon, but she didn’t and that was a mercy to us. Praise the Lord. This is when I first asked for prayer for this far off battle.


The orthopedic surgeon said “let’s meet every 6 months to reevaluate Anna’s hips” because he noticed that her spasticity was intermittent enough to perhaps prevent the femur from dislodging further. He introduced me to the surgery in that meeting. Instead of fearing, God gave me courage there to believe Him for a miracle, praise God. We prayed, hoping for the most immediate miracle because He is able. 


After skipping two meetings due to the coronavirus I met again with the surgeon and he showed me the blunt unraveling of Anna’s hip socket. I said “my heart dropped” at the contrasting X-rays 16 months apart. He kindly said “mine did too when I saw.” I wept and apologized to Anna as he showed us what was needed if repairing her hip was the way to go. Soon after we got other medical opinions confirming this plan to walk through this valley. The promise of Jesus being my Good Shepherd helped me trust Him with these developments. In faith, we prayed then for a merciful, supernatural reversal of the bone’s positioning. 


Then came the emotional days of tension between knowing that God is able to heal immediately and believing that; while scheduling a surgery date and requesting a medical leave at work. We took Anna to pastors and elders of the church to anoint her with oil and pray for her healing at this time. I know there were many answers to prayer as God quickly comforted me with the memory of walking with Him through Anna’s shunt surgery when she was 6 weeks old. God used medicine and surgery as a provision of faith, not a destruction of it. This was the merciful miracle Anna was to receive for her hip dislocation.  In my own prayers I was hoping more for the type of miracle that would have landed us on the evening news, but our trust in God meant that whatever He chooses is good with us.   


The next stage we prayed for further confirmation through our circumstances. Did God want us to walk through the OR doors, or was He putting closed door after closed door in front of us? We felt loved by our Heavenly Father because after that email, the body of Christ, His children came to our help in meeting practical needs and in spiritual encouragement. We got everything ready both at home and at work. Glory to God for such an orderly unfolding that could only give us peace as we approached surgery. 


Then, at the appointed time, Simon and Renee went to our friend’s house and the day of battle came. I didn’t feel in the best of places leading up, I couldn’t help but get worked up, earing restless sleep, and repeating complaints about the circumstances in my mind. A bit shaky in the knees we went. We sang songs on the way to the hospital, we got those 4am texts from those who were thinking overtime about Anna.  I always dress up for these days because I want to give the impression that God holds us together, that we are trusting in His unfolding. God cared for us during that time when Anna was “under” by bringing people to pray with us, quiet places to read the Word and think upon Him. I started reading the second half of Isaiah that day and have been continuing with Anna since, what a comfort!


Let us remember the goodness of God through answered prayer: A perfect surgery, not needing a blood transfusion, respiratory healing post-surgery, strengthening, pain management, rest, songs of comfort, health before and after, meals, caretaking for our younger two, time off work, and many more I’m forgetting.


Let us remember God’s grace for things we received that we didn’t know we needed. Like friends in the hospital cafeteria that I haven’t seen in years, formula given to us when we needed it, a hotel room across the street, kind and loving staff caring for us, eye to eye time with my bride to share our hearts and plans, gift cards, gift baskets, gift stuffies, flowers, encouraging replies and faithful people praying.


I hope you know that you share in this plunder! Anna’s life is marked by people going to God in prayer for her regularly, she is bringing people to the Lord through her needs. Thanks for being one of them!!!


Our trip this past Friday for the 3-week checkup showed us that the X-ray, and Anna’s scars were all excellent and begun healing. Our doctor kept on saying how great everything looked. Praise the Lord. Seeing Anna’s legs outside of the braces reminded me a bit of Bambi like when he tried to stand on the ice, knobby at the knee, thin and wobbly. May God be Anna’s strength as she continues to recover. Anna needs to keep the wedge in for at least another 3 weeks. But with the stitches out, our sweet daughter enjoyed her first bath in a long while. Indeed, a celebration. 


Praying is a factor that holds infinite possibilities, and overrides human possibilities by the hand of the Almighty. In my desire for happiness, I asked for a supernatural immediate healing; in my desire for His holiness, I received this testimony. blessed be the Lord.


May I take the liberty to extend this update to include another prayer request? Or perhaps more accurately a praise request to the Lord on our behalf.  On Christmas Day we received the gift of anticipating the birth of our 4th child. We are eager to meet Victor Currat due in God’s perfect timing sometime near September 4. Lindsey has had no complications with the pregnancy and now that Anna’s big surgery is over, we feel more giddy than ever about little Victor entrusted to us. Attached is a picture pre surgery with little Victor’s bump.


What a Good Shepherd,

The Currats

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