As a new believer, the Bible is like a dictionary to me. Growing up i knew most definitions about people, places and things. (maybe more like an encyclopedia.) That was good enough back then.
So when I decided to go to college to become a writer it was vital to my growth to master the dictionary, thesaurous, encyclopedia, and the associated press. I succeeded in none but gained in perspective. (to this day my second favorite board game is Balderdash.) To communicate the internal, I had to master the vessel of expression for an audience. I needed to create something using the guidelines the old old old dictionary. I still struggle to communicate effectively.
Even older than Webster's dictionary was the Bible. I knew stories about Jesus, the Apostles, Moses, Noah, and David. As an unbeliever it was just stories that masked God up, it was up to me to analyze and make the symbolic literal. I thought these people were fictional constructs to make an argument to believe in God. i couldn't have been more wrong.
Paul's writings have been the majority of what i've read since I gave my faith to Jesus. In large part because i can relate immensly to his conversion (I also persecuted Christian though in my writings in college). Other than that, I did a Bible study with BSF International which helped guide me through the second half of the book of Romans. There i found the Bible to be in large part, biographical, autobiographical and hugely literal. I started praying to apply and test these teachings in my life. By doing so i've started to grasp the feeling of knowing and doing God's will instead of mine.
In going to the beat of a different drummer all my life, this passage blew my mind. How could I possibly obey what God says here: "Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you."Romans 13:2-3 NIV.
So literally this passage is a test of my faith. How can evil powerful people recognize and applaude someone who is doing good? Because its not just talking about the president, or genocidal dictators, but also my "funky boss" at work. so I prayed instead of criticizing. Conseeded to doing things their way instead of an argument. When arguments were unavoidable i gave them the verbal victory. These changes in my perception yeilded fruit: like a new job where people look to me as a person in authority i would have never seen myself in this position without God. After being turned down for three promotions in three and a half years, I'm appling to get my second within four months. Obviously that is God work through my attempts to obey. I give Him total thanks.
There's this band, that uses this line to discribe God's presence in our lives: "You get all the credit, You get all the praise. You brought us out of messes and raised us out of graves. We know Your among us, in hearts to form a nation. You don't separate Yourself or hide behind some distant constellation." -Half-Handed Cloud.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Broken down to build me up
Here i was turning the corner into an alley to catch my breath; while being chased by a mob. I duck in time to see them run past my alley, I outsmarted them. This idea illustrates what I thought would happen day I gave my life to Christ. Only it was more like this:
I was running away from the "mob" my family opnions. I was running from diagnosis the doctors gave me. I kept running away from the debt that I created with Credit cards or ex-girlfriends. This is to name only the front runners of the mob.
Things like drugs, drinking and smoking conditioned my mind to keep on running instead of facing this angry looking mob. My self evaluations as a runner were hopeless and without a goal-- just run like hell. Was I to run until my heart bursts and my lungs colapse? There's some valor in that: not quiting, tolerating the elements, avoiding conflict. I aged, the mob got bigger and my pace slower. Turning to God, turning the corner seemed like back tracking. The mob would surely catch me then.
I fell hard. I got up trying to run (doing things my way). The lack of rest was too much, the pain throbbed. All of what I've tried to run from did not go away with age. On the ground, i looked for the mob to pass me by and for God to pass me over. i felt i listened to my heart all my life: the capsule for the spirit within me. Why then is my run now a crawl?
No time to think, quick roll into the alley, the mob is coming. I layed in the darkness and mist of the alley all balled up. The burden of the mob was upon me. They stoped and saw me there -a wounded broken man. Some had pity, some gave medicine, others prayed over me, some forgave me and others didn't help.
That corner I crawled to represents the chance for me to put all my trust in Jesus Christ. Believe me I had passed up thousands of corners just like this one because i was running. Realizing that Jesus is acutally who He says He is and that the restoration of my life rests in my giving my burdens to Him and obeying the Bible.
I was too exhausted, I was alone again amid darkness. I opened my eyes, and saw the big city walls build up so high around me. Where had all the outside pressure gone? Society, Corporations, Politics, failed relationships, useless B.A., and all those strains of my heart? No mob, its quiet like when a thick coat of snow covers the city.
The white light of God and His plan for me calls me to walk -but I can't walk, and its seems quite lonely. I eyed around the corner back onto the street, From here I have to baby step back to health and count on the presence of the Holy Spirit to be strong within me. My life is activated. I'm walking as a servant, I walk again by thinking outside of myself. I am confident with God in prayer and certain of my forgiveness by seeking Christ first.
I care and love my mob, now i go to my mom with problems instead of hiding them. They're changed upon seeing me leave this alley healed, calm, and whole. At times, my life strains to be Christlike in their midst, I'm new at being fisher of men. I still struggle with sharing my faith to people i love. But God actually works through me now and I continue to cry when i feel His gentle grace alive within me. The life i have now is one of answered prayer, Constant hope, servitude and good old fashioned Joy. Walking with God is just that: a constant growth walk.
I was running away from the "mob" my family opnions. I was running from diagnosis the doctors gave me. I kept running away from the debt that I created with Credit cards or ex-girlfriends. This is to name only the front runners of the mob.
Things like drugs, drinking and smoking conditioned my mind to keep on running instead of facing this angry looking mob. My self evaluations as a runner were hopeless and without a goal-- just run like hell. Was I to run until my heart bursts and my lungs colapse? There's some valor in that: not quiting, tolerating the elements, avoiding conflict. I aged, the mob got bigger and my pace slower. Turning to God, turning the corner seemed like back tracking. The mob would surely catch me then.
I fell hard. I got up trying to run (doing things my way). The lack of rest was too much, the pain throbbed. All of what I've tried to run from did not go away with age. On the ground, i looked for the mob to pass me by and for God to pass me over. i felt i listened to my heart all my life: the capsule for the spirit within me. Why then is my run now a crawl?
No time to think, quick roll into the alley, the mob is coming. I layed in the darkness and mist of the alley all balled up. The burden of the mob was upon me. They stoped and saw me there -a wounded broken man. Some had pity, some gave medicine, others prayed over me, some forgave me and others didn't help.
That corner I crawled to represents the chance for me to put all my trust in Jesus Christ. Believe me I had passed up thousands of corners just like this one because i was running. Realizing that Jesus is acutally who He says He is and that the restoration of my life rests in my giving my burdens to Him and obeying the Bible.
I was too exhausted, I was alone again amid darkness. I opened my eyes, and saw the big city walls build up so high around me. Where had all the outside pressure gone? Society, Corporations, Politics, failed relationships, useless B.A., and all those strains of my heart? No mob, its quiet like when a thick coat of snow covers the city.
The white light of God and His plan for me calls me to walk -but I can't walk, and its seems quite lonely. I eyed around the corner back onto the street, From here I have to baby step back to health and count on the presence of the Holy Spirit to be strong within me. My life is activated. I'm walking as a servant, I walk again by thinking outside of myself. I am confident with God in prayer and certain of my forgiveness by seeking Christ first.
I care and love my mob, now i go to my mom with problems instead of hiding them. They're changed upon seeing me leave this alley healed, calm, and whole. At times, my life strains to be Christlike in their midst, I'm new at being fisher of men. I still struggle with sharing my faith to people i love. But God actually works through me now and I continue to cry when i feel His gentle grace alive within me. The life i have now is one of answered prayer, Constant hope, servitude and good old fashioned Joy. Walking with God is just that: a constant growth walk.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
believing in a bold baptism
On August 11th 1978 i, Nicolas Currat, was baptized at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic church in Englewood Co. My cousin Pascal became my Godfather and my mom's best friend Josette became my Godmother attesting that i would have the protection of the Holy Spirit and was now a child of God. I was baptized (at less than three months old) in the Roman Catholic Church. So as a newborn and growing, if death were to strike: i would be claimed by God in heaven because the holy sacrament of baptism. I did this not of my own choice but because my parents were beleiving Catholics. This posting is just a reflection of why i feel the need to get baptized as an Evangelical Christian. These are opnions i hold and alienating or condeming others is not my goal.
As practicing Catholics, it is an duty to follow not only the Bible (which is eternal and from God) but the Catechism of the Catholic church ( a temporal application from the heirarchy of the church revised to this day). Such documents are common in many Christain faiths. From this i have the following applications:
>977 Our Lord tied the forgiveness of sins to faith and Baptism: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved."521 Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ, who died for our sins and rose for our justification, so that "we too might walk in newness of life."522
978 "When we made our first profession of faith while receiving the holy Baptism that cleansed us, the forgiveness we received then was so full and complete that there remained in us absolutely nothing left to efface, neither original sin nor offenses committed by our own will, nor was there left any penalty to suffer in order to expiate them. . . . Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of nature. On the contrary, we must still combat the movements of concupiscence that never cease leading us into evil "523
979 In this battle against our inclination towards evil, who could be brave and watchful enough to escape every wound of sin? "If the Church has the power to forgive sins, then Baptism cannot be her only means of using the keys of the Kingdom of heaven received from Jesus Christ. The Church must be able to forgive all penitents their offenses, even if they should sin until the last moment of their lives."524
980 It is through the sacrament of Penance that the baptized can be reconciled with God and with the Church:
Penance has rightly been called by the holy Fathers "a laborious kind of baptism." This sacrament of Penance is necessary for salvation for those who have fallen after Baptism, just as Baptism is necessary for salvation for those who have not yet been reborn.
985 Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of the forgiveness of sins: it unites us to Christ, who died and rose, and gives us the Holy Spirit.
986 By Christ's will, the Church possesses the power to forgive the sins of the baptized and exercises it through bishops and priests normally in the sacrament of Penance.
987 "In the forgiveness of sins, both priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the only author and liberal giver of salvation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and give us the grace of justification" (Roman Catechism, I, 11, 6).
(From the Vatican website on the Roman Catholic Catechism)
Millions of Catholics around the world find a meaningful refuge with these sacraments. I did too until the age of 18 when the uncertainty of my salvation hung too obviously over my head, and i thought preists could be more a sinner than an absolver. I decided to stop praying and think for myself. After that i had the mentality of "Jesus, yeah been there, done that."
As a literary analyst my thought process always scrambled up the message God had for me. Logic boiled down miracles and the words of Christ to: "oh who's to say Jesus heard of God's coming to earth and was Schitzophrenic enough to convince himself that he was the chosen one." The devil could make thoughts like that in my head, back then i didn't think the devil was real. That was before i really focused on what Jesus actually said and how a Messiah of servitude can only be constructed by God the Father. Now, I want to be baptized in the faith life that i've found in reading the pages of the Bible.
What convicts me, was when i became a Godfather myself to my nephew Michael Currat. The duty of Godparent is firstly to nourish and grow a faith in Jesus Christ. It is a teaching title that is life long. This reveiling of Christianity by a Godparent was absent in my relationship with both of my Godparents. Lets us not overlook that they both reside in europe. Secondly, in cases of trajedy where the baptized person loses his/her parents, the Godparents would step up and hold true the duty of providing for that person. This further reveils why infant baptisms still occur.
If i am to succeed as a Godfather to Michael, i have to make up for lost time. I haven't ever asked him about God, the Bible, or the afterlife. The last he knew and saw of me was as an unbeliver. Recently, I prayed often for God to strike common ground and give me a starting point to talk to my favorite 12 year old about Jesus Christ.
So after a year apart, i saw him for the first time at the church softball game where i'm surrounded by my chruch family. (I considered that an answered prayer.) Upon realizing that i'm not the best batter in the game, Michael's giving pointers on my stance and posture. (We're going to the batting cages tomorrow.) Even more amazing things happened after: we're in Albertsons and my Christian friend calls to invite me to see a movie. My nephew overhears the conversation, and for some reason i'm telling my friend about the last movie i saw; saying one of the driving themes was "We praise Him when we win; and we praise Him when we loose." I get off the phone and my nephew's says: "That's Facing the Giants, it was a good movie." (this is a movie made by a chruch in the south) My smile got big as i agreed and went on casually talking about how God is at work all the time, and its not like he's hiding from us.
So yes i want to complete this voluntary command of getting baptized. Not in an act of unknowing forgiveness, but to make my Faith known publically, to encourage others.
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." COL 3:3
I tried so hard for my nephew to be in attendance as i was convinced that this would be the most perfect avenue to talk about God. Who knew that it was actually at Albertsons that the first occurance manifested. unfortunately he returns to North Carolina the day before. (i'm all about a canceled flight)
As practicing Catholics, it is an duty to follow not only the Bible (which is eternal and from God) but the Catechism of the Catholic church ( a temporal application from the heirarchy of the church revised to this day). Such documents are common in many Christain faiths. From this i have the following applications:
>977 Our Lord tied the forgiveness of sins to faith and Baptism: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved."521 Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ, who died for our sins and rose for our justification, so that "we too might walk in newness of life."522
978 "When we made our first profession of faith while receiving the holy Baptism that cleansed us, the forgiveness we received then was so full and complete that there remained in us absolutely nothing left to efface, neither original sin nor offenses committed by our own will, nor was there left any penalty to suffer in order to expiate them. . . . Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of nature. On the contrary, we must still combat the movements of concupiscence that never cease leading us into evil "523
979 In this battle against our inclination towards evil, who could be brave and watchful enough to escape every wound of sin? "If the Church has the power to forgive sins, then Baptism cannot be her only means of using the keys of the Kingdom of heaven received from Jesus Christ. The Church must be able to forgive all penitents their offenses, even if they should sin until the last moment of their lives."524
980 It is through the sacrament of Penance that the baptized can be reconciled with God and with the Church:
Penance has rightly been called by the holy Fathers "a laborious kind of baptism." This sacrament of Penance is necessary for salvation for those who have fallen after Baptism, just as Baptism is necessary for salvation for those who have not yet been reborn.
985 Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of the forgiveness of sins: it unites us to Christ, who died and rose, and gives us the Holy Spirit.
986 By Christ's will, the Church possesses the power to forgive the sins of the baptized and exercises it through bishops and priests normally in the sacrament of Penance.
987 "In the forgiveness of sins, both priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the only author and liberal giver of salvation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and give us the grace of justification" (Roman Catechism, I, 11, 6).
(From the Vatican website on the Roman Catholic Catechism)
Millions of Catholics around the world find a meaningful refuge with these sacraments. I did too until the age of 18 when the uncertainty of my salvation hung too obviously over my head, and i thought preists could be more a sinner than an absolver. I decided to stop praying and think for myself. After that i had the mentality of "Jesus, yeah been there, done that."
As a literary analyst my thought process always scrambled up the message God had for me. Logic boiled down miracles and the words of Christ to: "oh who's to say Jesus heard of God's coming to earth and was Schitzophrenic enough to convince himself that he was the chosen one." The devil could make thoughts like that in my head, back then i didn't think the devil was real. That was before i really focused on what Jesus actually said and how a Messiah of servitude can only be constructed by God the Father. Now, I want to be baptized in the faith life that i've found in reading the pages of the Bible.
What convicts me, was when i became a Godfather myself to my nephew Michael Currat. The duty of Godparent is firstly to nourish and grow a faith in Jesus Christ. It is a teaching title that is life long. This reveiling of Christianity by a Godparent was absent in my relationship with both of my Godparents. Lets us not overlook that they both reside in europe. Secondly, in cases of trajedy where the baptized person loses his/her parents, the Godparents would step up and hold true the duty of providing for that person. This further reveils why infant baptisms still occur.
If i am to succeed as a Godfather to Michael, i have to make up for lost time. I haven't ever asked him about God, the Bible, or the afterlife. The last he knew and saw of me was as an unbeliver. Recently, I prayed often for God to strike common ground and give me a starting point to talk to my favorite 12 year old about Jesus Christ.
So after a year apart, i saw him for the first time at the church softball game where i'm surrounded by my chruch family. (I considered that an answered prayer.) Upon realizing that i'm not the best batter in the game, Michael's giving pointers on my stance and posture. (We're going to the batting cages tomorrow.) Even more amazing things happened after: we're in Albertsons and my Christian friend calls to invite me to see a movie. My nephew overhears the conversation, and for some reason i'm telling my friend about the last movie i saw; saying one of the driving themes was "We praise Him when we win; and we praise Him when we loose." I get off the phone and my nephew's says: "That's Facing the Giants, it was a good movie." (this is a movie made by a chruch in the south) My smile got big as i agreed and went on casually talking about how God is at work all the time, and its not like he's hiding from us.
So yes i want to complete this voluntary command of getting baptized. Not in an act of unknowing forgiveness, but to make my Faith known publically, to encourage others.
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." COL 3:3
I tried so hard for my nephew to be in attendance as i was convinced that this would be the most perfect avenue to talk about God. Who knew that it was actually at Albertsons that the first occurance manifested. unfortunately he returns to North Carolina the day before. (i'm all about a canceled flight)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
explorer pod back to the mothership
That sci-fi image kind of best describes how i feel upon returning from the mission trip To La Junta Co. As an explorer pod i cruised around places the mothership can't or hasn't yet been. After my week apart i'm happy to return to the mothership but fearful that the observations documented, people met and objects found will do little to prove of the truly great joy that journey was.
So i'm back! And that cowboy pace is good if you're a cowboy. its got great benefits: a blanket of stars to name just one. God has lead my life differently in D-town. Like i said, i was glad to be back. the work of security guard is quite mental and my mind's buisy humming "I'll Fly Away" and remembering cactus in bloom. I'ed forgotten my core roles and let my team down (it wasn't even lunch yet). God called me back and i'm saying prayers on the clock feeling overwhelmed. By the end of the week i got the hang of it. It did help having the TV in the closet, and some loved ones to tell my stories of La Junta to.
so its been a blessing, on the surface level we TCB'ed (take care of business (popularized by Elvis' jumbo jet)). we transformed an old Conveinence store from the Santa Fe Trail into a bunk house for eight kids and a monitor's room. We tore a hole in the wall for the AC unit. Siding, insulation, roofing. My services were need where the unsung hero's worked: The Ole' Ranchers house. That was going to be a cafe/ social house. The basement flooded in six feet of water about six months ago. Mold mania, mice mayhem, soggy songbooks. The evacuators of soggy, gag-reflexing junk did their thing. i steped up to sweep saying "I know this odoer, it smells like grandma's place in France." Then came two days of lenoleum removing. I'm on a nick name basis, now its "Lenny". Two layers of Lenny about twenty years apart. i can only compare the experiance to pulling gum out of my hair.
Vitally though, i got to meet the younger members of the church and a few older people with nothing better to do. A big trust issue for me was driving the church van filled for four hours. I really needed God's reassurance, and that came with words of advice from about seven past drivers and new front tires. i'm really amazed at the effect encouragement has in my life.
Work was a big chunk of what we did. however, no trip to La Junta is complete without a trip to the Cowboy church -Yeehaww!! Giddy-up 'n mooove 'em out. It was at a sale barn: in the day cattle are ushered around this u-shaped corral and the loose-jawed auctioneer sits right behind them. They're displayed to ranchers equipped with a numbered paddle no different than a fine art auction. well lo-and-behold we were praising God to countryfied hymns (oldies but goodies). Dude had an upright bass!!This event made me think over and over again how little culture i've taken in lately. i even dribbled a tear from being blessed to experiance that. i get overwhelmed at the most unawaiting of times (is that a word?).
Another surprise weller-upper was the next day when half of the praise team from the Cowboy church showed up at our ranch. it was the picturesque duo: girl cross-legged singing on a stool and guy with his ten gallon hat strumming and singing together. Well come to find: that girl had no choice but to sit. she's paralyzed and on that second night, sharing with us about her life and the things she prays for... Well as she introduced the next song she said "Before i pray for forgiveness, before i pray for the life i feel i need and even before praying for others; I ask to know God more." her knowledge of God superseeds all diamonds, gold and silver. And still before wanting to walk, she wants to walk straight with the Lord Jesus and His teachings. (it makes my praying for an Ipod pretty pathetic.) i was hugely humbled and to top it off the song we sang was one of my favorites, Only i forgot about it ten years ago. I used to sing "Lord you are more preasous than silver" as a high schooler over and over. Her name is Emily; and Jeb (the other guest), was about my age but really had a way with words. Talking frankly about lusting after women and what a struggle that is to most men. He was passionate about insisting that we all are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. And to trust on that understanding ahead of visual feelings. Mentioning Brittany Spears and how a while back she publically wanted purity. And without judging, Jeb made a point of her wanting that Christ-like quality... yet the actions of her life caved in on that claim.
I'm not soon to forget the others stories i failed to mention, hopefully the following pictures will do those stories justice. To bookend this entry, I'll have you know that the mothership is enriched by these lessons of grace out at Echo Canyon Ranch thanks to the explorer pod. I did spend my years alotment of vacation to go, i can't think of a more nourishing vacation to date.
So i'm back! And that cowboy pace is good if you're a cowboy. its got great benefits: a blanket of stars to name just one. God has lead my life differently in D-town. Like i said, i was glad to be back. the work of security guard is quite mental and my mind's buisy humming "I'll Fly Away" and remembering cactus in bloom. I'ed forgotten my core roles and let my team down (it wasn't even lunch yet). God called me back and i'm saying prayers on the clock feeling overwhelmed. By the end of the week i got the hang of it. It did help having the TV in the closet, and some loved ones to tell my stories of La Junta to.
so its been a blessing, on the surface level we TCB'ed (take care of business (popularized by Elvis' jumbo jet)). we transformed an old Conveinence store from the Santa Fe Trail into a bunk house for eight kids and a monitor's room. We tore a hole in the wall for the AC unit. Siding, insulation, roofing. My services were need where the unsung hero's worked: The Ole' Ranchers house. That was going to be a cafe/ social house. The basement flooded in six feet of water about six months ago. Mold mania, mice mayhem, soggy songbooks. The evacuators of soggy, gag-reflexing junk did their thing. i steped up to sweep saying "I know this odoer, it smells like grandma's place in France." Then came two days of lenoleum removing. I'm on a nick name basis, now its "Lenny". Two layers of Lenny about twenty years apart. i can only compare the experiance to pulling gum out of my hair.
Vitally though, i got to meet the younger members of the church and a few older people with nothing better to do. A big trust issue for me was driving the church van filled for four hours. I really needed God's reassurance, and that came with words of advice from about seven past drivers and new front tires. i'm really amazed at the effect encouragement has in my life.
Work was a big chunk of what we did. however, no trip to La Junta is complete without a trip to the Cowboy church -Yeehaww!! Giddy-up 'n mooove 'em out. It was at a sale barn: in the day cattle are ushered around this u-shaped corral and the loose-jawed auctioneer sits right behind them. They're displayed to ranchers equipped with a numbered paddle no different than a fine art auction. well lo-and-behold we were praising God to countryfied hymns (oldies but goodies). Dude had an upright bass!!This event made me think over and over again how little culture i've taken in lately. i even dribbled a tear from being blessed to experiance that. i get overwhelmed at the most unawaiting of times (is that a word?).
Another surprise weller-upper was the next day when half of the praise team from the Cowboy church showed up at our ranch. it was the picturesque duo: girl cross-legged singing on a stool and guy with his ten gallon hat strumming and singing together. Well come to find: that girl had no choice but to sit. she's paralyzed and on that second night, sharing with us about her life and the things she prays for... Well as she introduced the next song she said "Before i pray for forgiveness, before i pray for the life i feel i need and even before praying for others; I ask to know God more." her knowledge of God superseeds all diamonds, gold and silver. And still before wanting to walk, she wants to walk straight with the Lord Jesus and His teachings. (it makes my praying for an Ipod pretty pathetic.) i was hugely humbled and to top it off the song we sang was one of my favorites, Only i forgot about it ten years ago. I used to sing "Lord you are more preasous than silver" as a high schooler over and over. Her name is Emily; and Jeb (the other guest), was about my age but really had a way with words. Talking frankly about lusting after women and what a struggle that is to most men. He was passionate about insisting that we all are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. And to trust on that understanding ahead of visual feelings. Mentioning Brittany Spears and how a while back she publically wanted purity. And without judging, Jeb made a point of her wanting that Christ-like quality... yet the actions of her life caved in on that claim.
I'm not soon to forget the others stories i failed to mention, hopefully the following pictures will do those stories justice. To bookend this entry, I'll have you know that the mothership is enriched by these lessons of grace out at Echo Canyon Ranch thanks to the explorer pod. I did spend my years alotment of vacation to go, i can't think of a more nourishing vacation to date.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
set-up setbacks. and on we go!
Upon creating this cyber station for God to work through, i made errors that might need clarifying starting with the address itself. givetoliveasone was supposed to be the heading for the page where Blah-blah-blah-blog is. Then Blah-blah-blah-blog was supposed to be my signing name after the articles. and lastly, for the harvest was supposed to be the address needed on blogspot (the URL). well what a mix-up, a real salad of cyber terms! it made me laugh so i thought i'ed share that with you all.
To avoid misleading: when i think of "give to live as one" i'm referring to the connectedness of Believers through the Holy Spirit enabling us to give so that we think of others more than ourselves. In doing so we are fulfilling our role in the body of Christ on earth and inching closer to becoming Christlike within. I believe that we become one when we give God His invitation to work our lives. I renew that invite often and i'm amazed at the change (so is my mom)!
My spell check link doesn't wourk, i's sourri yif me kannt schpell. i injoy imperfection, i can live with it, hope you can too.
To avoid misleading: when i think of "give to live as one" i'm referring to the connectedness of Believers through the Holy Spirit enabling us to give so that we think of others more than ourselves. In doing so we are fulfilling our role in the body of Christ on earth and inching closer to becoming Christlike within. I believe that we become one when we give God His invitation to work our lives. I renew that invite often and i'm amazed at the change (so is my mom)!
My spell check link doesn't wourk, i's sourri yif me kannt schpell. i injoy imperfection, i can live with it, hope you can too.
Monday, July 2, 2007
who needs a Bic?
In just a few clicks i'm the creator of a blog. A domaine for sharing, landing somewhere between bulk e-mails and myspace. For people crossing my blog by accident hello, and the others will be notified with one or two more bulk e-mails. This is my attempt at getting my feet wet as a writer again. through a series of heartbreaking events my love for writing became the source of my problems. the prescriptions for correction would curb my creativity for about four years.
Being broken down to that point, allowed God to put me in a position where only the forgiveness of Jesus Christ could repair what hell i was enduring. so on November eleventh 2006 i said my first prayer in a decade asking Jesus to show me the life i had made fun of many, many times. The Christian life, which is a life yeilding to God's will first ahead of one's own. The amazing thing about the religion of Christianity is in order to fully understand what it means to be one, you have to also place your faith in Jesus Christ. Its not intellectual inductions that one day lead you to earn the status of Believer. Even millions of prayers to a Higher power won't let you know God's grace and mercy. likewise actions in the name of God are second to placing total trust in Jesus and his actual ressurection over death.
Yo i just wanted to spill-it so ya'll git some POV (point of view) of what makes me want to write again. There's no bigger event in my life, although seeing Al Green live was pretty cool (teasing)! With effort and diligence i plan on putting atleast one entry per week (though in my mind i's saying two). i think ya'll can leave comments with a link somewhere on this page. who doesn't need encouragement and rapport? oh and i'll have photos up eventually once i become more friendly with my scanner.
Being broken down to that point, allowed God to put me in a position where only the forgiveness of Jesus Christ could repair what hell i was enduring. so on November eleventh 2006 i said my first prayer in a decade asking Jesus to show me the life i had made fun of many, many times. The Christian life, which is a life yeilding to God's will first ahead of one's own. The amazing thing about the religion of Christianity is in order to fully understand what it means to be one, you have to also place your faith in Jesus Christ. Its not intellectual inductions that one day lead you to earn the status of Believer. Even millions of prayers to a Higher power won't let you know God's grace and mercy. likewise actions in the name of God are second to placing total trust in Jesus and his actual ressurection over death.
Yo i just wanted to spill-it so ya'll git some POV (point of view) of what makes me want to write again. There's no bigger event in my life, although seeing Al Green live was pretty cool (teasing)! With effort and diligence i plan on putting atleast one entry per week (though in my mind i's saying two). i think ya'll can leave comments with a link somewhere on this page. who doesn't need encouragement and rapport? oh and i'll have photos up eventually once i become more friendly with my scanner.
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