Well gang its that time of the year. Where all your affection and bias for certain films, records, and books are measured by critics. Thankfully they have researched the January through March media because I have a hard time remembering the few gems those early '07 months offered. No matter the delight, the Bee Movie it didn't make the top ten cut. Perhaps the critics all got stung too much growing up. Likewise, I haven't spotted David Crowder's The Remedy on any top ten list (except maybe a Christian one). Yet its one of my favorites for the year. Does that mean I listen to bad music or like bad movies?
Why is it that people still want to know the critic's favorites? Does this indicate that we are to hinge our own opinions on what is concluded by critics. Ever notice that about 60% of the selected media are repeated endlessly in other top tens just in different rankings. To me, Top Ten lists are like peer pressure from uncool/nerdy strangers. Make no mistake: a critic is, at their root, an audience member. The conforming standard Top Ten list draw us away from the content of our own hearts and its calling to be Christlike.
I think Pharisees remind me of your average critic. Policing the Godliness according to the precepts set fourth. In reading Matthew 11: 16-19; I find Jesus seemingly frustrated towards the audience he preaches to for two reasons. 1) His message was delivered in miracles and metaphors almost hitting them over the head. Yet the audience doubted what was seen and heard because the critics mentioned the fact that Jesus was chillin' with (notorious) sinners, drinking and eating. 2) When the counter example was offered, John the Baptist proclaiming the good news of the Messiah's arrival while fasting and baptizing. The audience felt he had a demon inside because he wouldn't eat or drink. So when Jesus says "We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; We sang a dirge, and you did not mourn." I think that relates to the masses of people who heard about the Gospel but didn't react to it (then and now). Staying sealed to Christ means that no matter the chatter of crowd, critic or clown I will experience God by dancing to His flute and mourn when I hear his dirge.
Here's my flute and dirge top ten list. This being the media I experienced this year that has blessed my relationship with Jesus Christ, fed me with a Gospel message and helped the Holy Spirit to sanctify my innards. All critic-free pieces of art that brought chills, laughter and tears. Reminding me of a small taste of God's love for me and the freedom in trusting Jesus. By sharing this list with others, it is me dancing to God's flute and answering to a dirge as best I can. Here is my critical evaluation of the media that helped me grow to know Christ this year:
1, The Bible (Book)
2, The Second Chance (DVD)
3, David Crowder -The Remedy (CD)
4, Jesus Freaks Vol. 1 and 2 (Books)
5, D2S G.O.S.P.E.L. Journey (DVD)
6, Amazing Grace (DVD)
7, Stephen the Levite -To Die is to Gain (CD)
8, Half-Handed Cloud -Halos and Lassos (CD)
9, Danielson: a family movie (DVD)
10, Facing the Giants (DVD)
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