I've heard it said that people have the possibility to make every action an act of worship for God. How is this possible in the sinful body I occupy coupled with the earth around me? Being "born again" as Jesus termed means to trust and wager your life with His every word. God the Father is contracted to remain faithful because of His plans and the completion of those through his Son.
In a personal hypothesis, I imagine God the Father being repelled at the over abundance of what destruction and death sin has caused amongst the earth, civil people and even family. In the Bible, God clearly states His hatrid of sin makes me value how unforgiving He should be if it weren't for Jesus Christ. I don't know God's thoughts (except what is shown to me in the Bible). As a new believer I have confessed my sins, nailed Christ on that cross, saw His blood so unfairly pour out onto my wickedness and shame for a division from my sins. Satan is my enemy and I am justified in hating that which is evil.
Jesus Christ took every one of His actions as an act of worship for God. He showed me it is possible; and to prove that He is Lord He included every one of His words as an act of worship For God. Thus being the innocent lamb, our final sacrifice (atonement for sin). Christ is all truth, lived in action and the epicenter of love.
My clean cut from the lineage to Adam and Eve was on November tenth 2006. I am a child of God forgiven of evil through Christ. Sin and evil still tempt me because the Devil never imagined my turnaround. Its harder now, yet Satan is a test that Christ Himself had to combat on earth. In light of His example and mercy I am not to conform to the pattern of this world. But to persue righteousenss hoping that one day every action I do becomes an act of worship for God.
I didn't think drinking liquor as a Christian would infringe on my personal relationship with Christ. Soon after trusting Christ endlessly... I found myself sharing my life with a bottle rather the the Bible. As a bachelor it seems harmless, but casting my cares and emotions onto this instead of my Savior was a sin. This temptation weaved to the level of destruction. I've endangered my health, jepordized my self love and ruined the money God has blessed me with.
All of this is not OK, so God placed this on my heart and with the help of Christ's body of believers on earth; I became equipped with the weapons to combat Satan and this temptation. That included Bible verses, watching a river as I cried for my sins and prayed for redemption from drunkeness, fellowship with believers, and knowing that prayers are being spoken to God about this.
Now I cannot be passive. I declared hatrid for liquor as a substance, and where the Devil has taken me with it. -Not judging those who drink or hating myself because I lived in drunkenness.
I have made this commitment and my will power is stronger in obediance to God. I don't forsee drinking again because of the deception that I endured because of it. It has been five nights of not drinking and I even had beer in the fridge. Last night I cleaned it out. The person I gave the beer to said: "Man, now I know you're serious about this."
Faith in Christ is a serious thing. My first prayer as a believer was for a slow conversion (due to the decptions of other faiths namely Buddhism and Catholicism). It has been slow but progressive. I am envigurated now by this progression and the different direction my life with God will take now. A brother in Christ that helped me through this said: "remember this battle for those moments of doubt in the battles to come!"