Funny how God plans and forsees my life better than me. That's a definate indicator of how big He is and how little my place in Him is. Not to be discouraged, because its there, that my life functions as a member of the Body of Christ. And I've been so busy cutting out things, adding things and asking things for my life.
Well it seems that His will brought me to my testamony once more. I'm going to assemble the story of my redemption coupled with the elements in my life preceeding Christs' gift of salvation. This means opening up the writings i did while in mental hospitals. This means revisiting the events and the thought processes that yeilded my own will to the Devil (unknowingly). The false prophetic views I had will be exposed. The symbols I chose to create to find meaning will be there too.
I take peace in knowing that I am a child of God now. That the absolute truth (for all seekers) is the Bible. I just ask for prayer as this will take a large amount of time. I am five years out of having written any major project. This process it no different than a sculptor looking at a rock and percisely imagining the finished statue. First comes measurements, color choices, and assembling tools. Then imprints of what is wanted, work, perfecting imperfections and voila.
Structuring techniques, Character development, conflict, and themes are the first few steps. Even before that, making time in my life for this is important as I am rusty to write in this format. Believing in the project is another. Not letting pride and Satan take control of the work.
Its a creative retelling what I endured outside of trusting Christ. So Jesus will get all the glory after showing the depths of darkness I was in. I will give you updates as I go along. Pray for themes, chosing the right events, the Holy Spirit's guidance for the project. Pray that I don't get distracted (go Rockies) and remain daily in the Bible. That writers block doesn't stop me from progressing. Setting a timeline and sticking to it. Realizing that the first draft is just that: a first draft.
All in all I count on God's will to place signs that will help me down that path of writing; Away from thinking: "Its not good enough", or "what will people think" or "that's too dark for my audience to ponder" or "that's too holy roller or preachy". I have lots to balance out.