Dear Prayer Warriors,
I consider it a grace from God to be able to piece together the day Simon got bit by the snake with eyes of faith rather than grief. Perhaps the motivator is grief but it has been comforting to recount the activities of that day. By far the most wonderful detail I have gathered about that day came from my bride. more specifically something she did. My wife loaded the kids into the minivan after breakfast and went to the library. Simon picked out a bunch of books, probably even a "book on tape" ; it was one of his favorite places. as they were on their way there (or back i'm not sure) a one minute testimony of a changed life in Jesus was aired on the radio. immediately after Lindsey prayed "Lord, I pray that you would write a testimony for your glory in each of my children."
So what does Simon's testimony look like? How can a 6 year old have an account that glorifies God? in going through his stuff, I sensed we are just scratching the surface, much like a geode. One of the neat things Lindsey gave the kids and families who came to the funeral service was a geode. This unimpressive rock was what he wanted for this coming Christmas. of course you break it and best case scenario, contained inside is a cavern of sparkling, diamond like minerals. Simon is like that to me.
a couple of days ago, Lindsey placed one of the cracked open geodes on his tombstone. It was sparkling and shining in the sun today as I prayed to the Lord and sat in the grass wondering about Simon's testimony and impact. I wondered about the families that attended the service one week ago. No doubt there were meaningful conversations with their kids about death and the promise of eternity in Scripture. I know this week a couple kids who attended are asking to be baptized. Perhaps their desire is unrelated to Simon's memorial service, but it blessed me to hear of such things going on in the lives of the kids who attended. If you attended and have a noteworthy conversation with your kids please reply. I would love to hear them.
Lastly, I wanted to share a treasure among treasures tucked away in my drawer. For any father out there, is there any better thank you note you can receive from your kid?
Praise the Lord for:
- Simon's testimony reflecting God's glory.
- a mother's prayers for her children.
- these little sparks of evidence that God is turning bad for
the gift of Simon Emmanuel Currat
Please pray for:
- the delivery of another testimony surrounding Simon this coming Saturday morning, for me to have calm, clear communication as I share what happened and how the Lord humbled me, carried me, and loved me through this last month of my life
- marital unity. Our first meeting with a biblical counselor blessed us. He helped us insist on prioritizing our time with Jesus. so can we pray for this to be found individually? and also to reestablish family devotions as that looks so different without Simon.
- His second recommendation is to have a side by side person of faith to help with prayer, the questions we have and to share our burdens in love on a consistent basis. Please pray for God to reveal the right person for this.
- a refocus on Anna's needs. We canceled two of her surgeries and have yet to reschedule them, we also need to set up another hospital stay to treat her ESES diagnosis
- the Lord to rewrite the story of our life at Children's hospital colorado. to give us courage. part of our rescheduling of Anna's surgery was a hesitancy to enter that building again ever. but with Anna having many specialists and surgeries this is not realistic. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to walk those halls again with the hope only Jesus brings. that He is doing a new thing that we must perceive!
Thank you for praying,
with love,
Nic for the Currats
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