Monday, February 1, 2010

Interesting Encouragement Enclosed

I've been blessed with a know-how to cook a tasty pork chop. Isn't there a Psalm that says to constantly tell others what God has done for you? That is why I mention the chop.

The week was a quick one. I didn't get saturday night off so i couldn't make it to Sunday service. i was super bummed. -not out of some legalistic imperative, but because i love worshiping God (with that community of believers). There's learning, admitting, emitting joyfully. So today, after sleeping, I was able to go to a hymn sing at my prof's house. We were packed (20+) in this little bungalow sitting anywhere. and some standing. I love the words of hymns. I shared my testimony twice not because of ego or "check this whackness". Rather because I feel i have no right to decline when people ask (refer back to the first paragraph). Its God's story of glory and He seems to be using it lots out here.

So this week cover the Moody students in prayer. we're going to "Boys Town" and calling on God to do a coup. Each year there is this outreach in the gay/lesbian/bi-/transgender community in Chicago. Its this friday. We divide up into groups: some people go in the gay bars, some pray up and down the street, others have these giant boards at street corners asking questions like "What would you say the church?" "What would you say to Jesus?" and passer-byes can write whatever. the goal is to listen, to engage in conversation and to speak to this great misunderstanding that Christians hate gay people. Our love is to see into the hearts of our neighbors case by case. Instead, the gay lifestyle has frustrated our collective love into a phobia. I'm very aware that Leviticus states gay acts as being detestable to God. -Christ died for them too. Rich is His mercy.

So lots on my plate including a lunch date with my nearest niece!! I've had a week of struggle regarding temptation and sin -Its so distracting from the life I'm walking with God. Now that i mention it, nothing could be further from God. Jesus brings me back. One of my favorite Bible stories is Matt 18:10-14 it the one of the Shepherd who leaves his flock to get the one sheep that wandered away.

I'm gonna share a little told detail about my conversion. i feel it on my heart because I try to place myself in the shoes of a gay person and them accepting Christ and the implications regarding how he lives. When i submitted to the truth of Christ on November 10 2006, God birth a willingness to change my smoking, drinking, sex seeking. i still did them for months. I just wanted Jesus more and the promise of a renewing life. No matter the behavior, God wants to be first served in our days. God tells us that being in relationship with Him is more important than the dirt that clings to us. So with confidence in Christ, I ask the Spirit to keep on cleaning house. I'm ready now.

Lets love and serve the Lord first.

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