Monday, February 1, 2010


Two days, three tanks of gas, 1,000 miles, two pounds of red vines, and lots of prayer went into getting me here. -Chicago that is. I received a warm welcome. Which off set any overwhelming feeling of "what in the world am I doing back here."

God blessed me immensely on this trip I cashed in any tears for a couple of prayers. Songs, silence and sermons abounded. I was held in good company by a slew of angels and any time I would get a doubtful noise from my car. I remember the advice of a brother in Christ who said: "Nic if you're afraid of the car during the trip. Just lay a hand on it!"

Things went gold star well. Thank God for this. that last sentence was not a statement but an imperative: can you thank Him. Incredible to see the good Lord ushering in this time of formal training and refining with a steady road trip. I'm in the midst of finding a place to live. Please pray for wisdom about location. It will be key lots of factors to consider. Could you also make a mention to Jesus about Him transforming my thoughts through faith rather than the old rambling thoughts and self-worry combo. Many thanks to you.

Delighted to be serving God.

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